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Jade Stone is the fifteen-year-old daughter of werewolves. She has always known where her life was going. Born with the instinct and ability to heal and help others, she sets a path through school geared toward her future medical career, sticking close to her friends, most of whom know about werewolves. Jade never veered far from her goals. That is until her fate was changed one spring break.

Bevin Green is a trans boy, and a Junior in high school. He is the quirky heart of his close-knit group. He always seems to see what is going on and knows the right move or word to say to help.

Sarah Baller is the only friend who doesn’t come from a family of werewolves. Moreover, she doesn’t even know they exist. She has been best friends with Jade since kindergarten because they share so many interests. The way they differ is athletic ability, while Jade is a klutz, Sarah is sleek and strong, on several school teams, and as a sophomore, already the captain of the basketball team.

José Cortez is senior who used to be close to Jade’s brother. He was on the basketball team until his senior year when he decided to focus on academics. He came out his freshmen year and when Bevin started high school, took him under his wing, attending GSA meetings together. He is smart and sassy, and with a Mexican father and Floridian mother, proud of both his heritages.

Owen Stone is a senior and Jade’s brother. He is popular and captain of several sports teams, including cross-country and basketball. He and Jade tend to get along more often than not, but she is a nerd…and a sophomore. His biggest dream is to run with the pack, though he knows most natural werewolves don’t manifest until closer to twenty. Until then, he is skating through life. However dorky he may be, deep down he has a heart of gold.