Happy June!

Well, it finally happened. Veiled Phoenix is alive and well and out in the world. For those of you who read books on Kindle Unlimited, go, read, and enjoy. If you’re more interested in eBook or Paperback, those are available as well.

Moonstone Phoenix, the second book is slated to come out on November 22nd. If I can get all my raving racoons to agree, I may get the book out sooner. At the moment, that actually looks good. I have one and a quarter edits left. Beyond that, the cover is done and I do my own formatting.

I’ve been spending the last month and a half critiquing SO many books. It’s been nice getting back to reading. I’m also almost done writing and cleaning up the Pebble trilogy. Then I’ll throw the series to the critique/edit group. We should see Pebble out in 2025 … at the latest. (I may write faster than my elves can work…)

We are halfway through pride month, hope you’re enjoying it!


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