Hi my friends! It’s the last day of June. I hope you enjoyed June, did all the events you wanted or read all the books or just did you.

I put Wolf Healer in a couple of book events. I told you about the one a couple of weeks ago. Today, is the last day of Jae’s month Pride Reads. Today there are a ton of free books and the chance to win things! Wolf Healer is up for a free audiobook. Check it out!!

Jae’s Pride Reads Link…

If any of you see my posts on facebook or instagram, you know I talk about the writing community as being very important to my writing career. One of the people who has helped me is Jessica Rosenberg, an indie author who lives in Santa Cruz, California. She’s from Paris originally and when I went out to visit there last summer, she put up with a lot of my questions.

I’ve read some of her books. She writes about a magical town on the east coast. Like me, her writing has a lot of food, so expect to be hungry! Her characters tend to be older, but the stories are low spice.

There is a new book coming out, Spells & Spice & Everything Nice, and you may find this book, or others that she writes, a way to fill in the space between my books.

Juliette’s magic can find anything—except what she craves most. Compelled to return lost objects to their rightful owners, Juliette finds fulfillment in reuniting lockets, grimoires, and letters with their owners. But with her love life in tatters, her latest assignment stings. Between her demanding magic, colorful friends, Harvey the mischievous foster raccoon, and her thriving bookshop, Juliette’s hands and heart are full. But the mystery of a bedraggled teddy bear and a missing witchling awakens her deepest desires for a family of her own. With friends casting perfect spells by her side and Tybalt’s unexpected support, Juliette races to find the child, hoping to right the ultimate wrong and perhaps gain what she yearns for most. Join Juliette, Harvey, and the rest of the Portney gang in Spells & Spice & Everything Nice. Like the first two, the third Wyrd Words & Witchcraft Paranormal Women’s Fiction book is set in the same beach town as Jessica Rosenberg’s popular Baking Up a Magical Midlife series.

Happy soon to be July!


Summer – FREE BOOKS!

Hi everyone! I want to keep this short and sweet. Updates:

  1. I have written and updated the Pebble Stone Chronicle trilogy. I will now pass them off to my team to do their magic. This won’t be a quick process, but it’s worth the wait.
  2. Veiled Phoenix is out in the world! The second book, Moonstone Phoenix, is past the first editor and soon, I hope, will be off to the second.
  3. I believe I started in the subject that there were free books!

I know I’ve mentioned this, but ALL DAY TODAY!!! Free fantasy books!!


May the books be ever in your kindle!


Take me to Your BOOKevent!

Do you remember when you were young and the library was taken over were book for you to BEG your parents to buy for you? Row after row of all of the best books.

Photo by Alexander Grey on

Well, a group of authors are bringing that same idea to you this week! I know, it’s almost too exciting.

So, what are the rules. Follow this link. There are a bunch of TikTok authors. Find there post with the following image. All of the descriptions are the same, except each description has ONE word capitalized. Find all the capitalized words. You have until Wednesday to do this.

Then, there will be a live event on Friday. It’ll all be great. Prizes, books, and a fun way to spend the start of the cold season!

Again, here is the form you need to fill out to enter. I hope to see you all there!


Surviving September

September, for only having 30 days, was a hard month for me. I am hoping in my heart of hearts, it was a wonderful month for you! I just seemed to have more thing to do than I had minutes in the day. That said, it is the end of the month.

Jade, and the six main books are out. Woot! I am so excited to be able to say that. The books are written, edited, they have covers, and they are published. The first book is out as an audiobook.

Here is where I have a BIG FAVOR to ask of you. Can you go to your local library and request the audiobook of Wolf Healer? You don’t even have to listen to it, though Andrea Kummer has done a fantastic job bringing the characters to life. I’d love for you to buy the audiobook, but requesting it at the library works, too.

Speaking of Andrea, she’s finished recording all the tracks for Epsilon, it just needs to go through processing, and book 2 will be available to purchase as well. That means, if you do listen to book 1, you can probably, immediately request book 2 and listen to it!

In other news, the Christmas Novella, Pack Present is up on Amazon and ready for it’s pre-order. I’ll be bringing you more about that in the next newsletter.

In other news, on October 6th, I’m part of a group that’s offering over 130 FREE fantasy books.

I’ll send the link out to you on the 6th so you can download all the free books your heart desires!!

Huckle Rahr

A Wild Ride

Flying high over the overheated state of Wisconsin, my author friend, A.R. Grimes and I went on another adventure. We’ve been on a few this summer, and I’ve been remiss in telling you about them, but let me stay focused.

Last weekend, she and I uncurled the wings of my trusted phoenix, and flew to Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I know, you’ve heard tail of said destination before, a humble bookstore, WordHaven Bookhouse.

We ended up stopping at Superior Bar and Grill for Lunch, I believe my Phoenix believed it was a home away from home with the fiery exterior.

Inside, we met the crew of miniature dragons and leprechauns, who quickly fed us fried cheese and breaded meats. All rather taste, if I do say so myself. We even found the leprechauns pot of… well, not gold, but silver!

Once done, we found our way to the bookshop and set up our books. We met many a nice person, signed books, and discussed our publishing ways.

If you want a published book, they are still on sale, only from the home page, and only for a limited time. If you ask nicely in the box where you tell me who you want the book signed to, I’ll throw in A FREE CODE TO THE AUDIO BOOK!!! This is a VERY limited time offer. And it only goes out to those lovely people in my newsletter.

Wait! Did you read that right? The AUDIOBOOK is available?? It is, my friends, it is!

It went live in a location (including B&N) on August 25th. But you can get a free code from me with a purchase of a book from my website. This Labor Day offer is good until September 4th.


Let’s Make a Deal!

Hi my friends! It’s August, schools are starting up, and I want to do a back to school deal. I actually have TWO deals for you in this newsletter!

Okay, first of all, I have a new cover for Wolf Healer. I’ll reveal it… soon. Probably when the audiobook comes out. I’ve been listening to the chapters, and y’all, I’m SO excited! I can’t even tell you. It will be fantastic!

So, what’s my good news? With my new cover, I have a stash of paperback books with the old cover. Get a signed copy of Wolf Healer, with the OG cover mailed to you for $17. This offer is good to anyone who lives in the continental US. You can find the deal on the home page of my website. Here!

As always, you can order all of my books, signed, at any time… here.

But I did mention TWO great deals. Check out this amazing book, FREE right now! The Vessel Games, by E.J. Eden is free from the 16th of August through the 20th. The second book comes out on the 16th. The book is a cross between the Hunger Games and The Handmaid’s Tale. Interested? You should be!

I will warn you, the book DOES come with a few warnings…

Did you see me mention the audiobook? Are you as excited as I am? And the Christmas novella… the cover is ALMOST done. I’ll let you see both the new Wolf Healer cover and that cover in the next newsletter.

Photo by Sanket Mishra on

If any of you are near Sheboygan, Wisconsin, on Saturday, August 19th I’ll be doing an author event with another author at a most amazing bookstore: WordHaven Bookstore. If you are interested in learning about how to create a book series, click here!

Happy back to school!


Fun In The Sun

Hi My Friends. I want to thank you all for such a successful launch! Battlefield, the last of the Jade Stone Chronicles came out the 21st of July, and if I check out the Amazon standing today, August 5th, this is what I see:

The Novella IS coming. I’m just struggling to get the cover just right. It will hopefully answer all the remaining questions. I don’t want to put the pre-order for the novella up until I have a cover.

If any of you are close to Sheboygan, Wisconsin, I’ll be hosting a class with A.R. Grimes, writer of Wyldling Snare, a truly excellent book, about how to create a book series. If you want to join us in Sheboygan at Word Haven Book House, click here!

A.R. Grimes can be found here. Her blog Cycle of Tahara is a delight! She posts more cat photos than anyone I know!

Now, if you need a great read while waiting for my books, check out Breaking Glass by Lisa Amowitz. There are only a few days before school starts, so get your reading on now!


My cats deciding who gets top seat!

It’s Alive!

So, in 2019 I thought to myself, why not write a book … how hard can it be. This week, book six, the last in the Jade Stone Chronicles, goes live. Battlefield is here! Find out what happens when the battle comes to Jade! You can now read it on kindle unlimited, eBook, and paperback.

From the 21st of July through the 25th, Wolf Healer is on sale for $0.99. If you haven’t gotten it, now is the time. Tell your friends!

In other news, Andrea Kummer, voice actress extraordinaire, will be narrating Jade Stone Chronicles! That’s right, the series is going to audiobook! Are you as excited as I am?

I’ve had so much fun with this series, watching Jade, Bevin, Sarah, Jose, and Owen grow. It’s exciting that y’all can now read about their full journey. Hopefully, the final Christmas novella will come out in November, and then in 2024 … maybe 2025, Pebble will leap onto the pages.

We still have the phoenix shifter, Ember to discover! So much is happening!

As always, I have some amazing books for you to check out below. The first debuts today and the author is a friend. You should definitely check it out. It’s an amazing book!

Thanks for reading!


Fragments: The Revelation by Chris Cole

When Jake West goes on a first date with Jordan Bailey, sparks fly—both figuratively and literally, as an explosion rocks the restaurant. However, Jordan controls the blast, eyes aflame as he saves their lives.

But Jordan is not alone. There are others like him, some who want to preserve the planet using the power of the elements—The Keepers—and some who want to be recognized and appreciated for the power they—The Disciples. And for some reason, the Disciples are very focused on making sure Jake doesn’t see the light of another day.

Soon, Jake is caught in the middle of a war, Jordan’s dark past, and the race to find the greatest power of all—control over all the elements.

Caged Butterfly by Raven O’Shay

“Let me out of this cage!” I raged and rattled the bars.

I can’t believe I got caught after a short-lived taste of freedom from my royal duties of palace life.

My captors have a hidden agenda to annihilate my home. I must fight… too bad my Fae shifter power only turns me into a kaleidoscope of butterflies. SO not intimidating.

I find help from some unpredictable sources, and my heart flutters at the sight of one strong man.

We watch desperately as the armies start marching towards my forest.

On one hand, I am free with a budding love forming; on the other, the destruction of my Fae colony.

Can I warn my family in time to prevent a war? Will I find my own happy ending before my wings are plucked?

Flowerface – Christiana Matthews

Hell hath no fury like a goddess scorned.

Born of flowers and magic, Blodeuedd is tied to Lleu, the sun-god, in an eternal marriage. Even when she meets a mortal man who shows her the meaning of true love, she remains faithful to her husband.

Soon, however, she discovers that not just her marriage but her entire life has been built on lies and secrets. She was created, not to love Lleu, but as a pawn in his callous game.

Fighting for vengeance as well as for survival, Blodeuedd seeks to protect herself and those she loves from the machinations of her husband and his family. The question is…how can a mere vegetation goddess triumph against the powerful Summer King?

A tale of myth and magic, Flowerface springs from ancient roots in the Welsh Mabinogion. It is intended for an adult audience.

Books, books, and more books!

It’s June! Schools are getting out for the summer. Father’s day is coming. It’s a great time to read!

I recently told you that I’ve been finishing up the Jade Stone Chronicles. Included in this six book series is a novella, that I hope to release in November. I want to give more information, but … spoilers! Since the manuscript for Book 6: Battlefield is with the formatter, my dream of publishing it in July can become a reality. That means July 21, 2023!

To celebrate the release of the last book in the series, Wolf Healer will be on sale for $0.99, July 21 – July 25th. You’re the first to learn this great news!

Anyone who lives in Illinois, I’m planning on attending a P-Flag event in Tinley Park on July 9th, I’d love to see you there! I’ll have my books as well as books from other local authors. It will be a ton of fun!

I know that’s over a month to wait, so, what will you read and do until then? And what if you want Wolf Healer NOW?

To get Wolf Healer now, click on this link, find it, and other great books:

If you are interested in other book, here are a couple of books that are on sale for $0.99. Check them out!

A Dragon’s Smile by Luna Fox and F. Lowberry

David’s life is hollow after his grandmother passes away. He becomes isolated, and though he finds joy in his various pursuits, he misses a crucial part of living–the true closeness that can come only with a real, genuine friendship.

Sara has come alone into Belfast, Maine, escaping from a past that torments her. Her cheery disposition and quick smile lead her to form an easy, sincere friendship with David, as they find in each other what they have lacked throughout their lives: Someone they can trust.

But will their trust survive Sara’s many secrets?

The Unknown Sun – Cheryl S. Mackey

Pre-Order for 99c until November!

The world of Skyfall will die unless Moira finds the lost immortals.

Seventeen-year-old Moira is haunted by the accidents that claimed her family. When she is attacked by a strange boy who seems to know too much about her past, Moira fears death will come for her a third time. Saved by twins Airi and Bel, she is taken to their world and safety.

Or so they thought.

Skyfall is dying, the land destroyed during a supernatural war. Those who had protected it, the lost immortals, have gone missing and the land has decayed beyond redemption unless their magic can restore it. Armed with a mysterious talisman Moira, Airi, and Bel must find a journal left by the twins’ dead mother that will tell them how to find and free the Immortals known as The Unknown Sun.

Deeper, darker, secrets unravel around them when the journal reveals shocking information…because everything has a price and the price just might be Moira.

A rebellion against the Windwalker kingdom stalks them from the shadows until it threatens their quests and the boy who tried to destroy Moira appears and is determined to seek revenge.

Have an amazing summer!


It’s Spring -y’all!

You know what that means!

Photo by Denishan Joseph on

I am bursting with good news.

  1. I’m wrote a short story that will hopefully part of an anthology. Information about that is below.
  2. I’m about a quarter of the way through a Christmas novella. I know, book six isn’t out, but the novella is on it’s way!!
  3. Book 6… BOOK 6!!! Battlefield! It’s on it’s way. I’m pushing for July 21st, one year after book 3. I know it’s scheduled for August 17th, but you’ll forgive my excitement and hopeful early release.
  4. Let’s circle back to number 1. The anthology. It’s the second in a series. Let me tell you about the first. There is this most AMAZING book. A group of authors wrote short stories about cats. The book? Prrranormal Tails. All proceeds to to pet rescue. I know, amazing. I’ve written and submitted a story to the second anthology.

I want to remind you, if you want signed books, you can get them from my website. The prices include shipping. If you’re international, send me a message and we can discuss other options.

Now, let’s talk amazing books for you to read. Battlefield doesn’t come out for a month, so what should you be reading?

If you want to fill your books with Paranormal Fiction, check out this link! There are some spicy books in here, you’ve been warned!

How about one of these books?

Rebel Magic – Alex Fox

Perfect for fans of K.F. Breene, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Devon Monk, Seana Kelly, Annette Marie, and Debra Dunbar. If you’re a fan of sexy vampires, alpha werewolves, and badass witches this series is for you!     

Ready for a fast, fun adventure with a snarky heroine who doesn’t pull punches? Supernaturally gifted bounty hunter Rebel is on the trail of a gifted con artist in the heart of New Orleans. But she comes face-to-face with a shocking danger far more challenging than one handsome vampire… his BOSS. The Rebel Magic series features action, magic, and mystery deep in the heart of New Orleans.  

Shifted Fate – Parker Love

Can a veiled werewolf see past his fate to build a life and allow himself to find love?

Reeve Lawson, reluctant werewolf and Supernatural Agent, is all about work. Until he meets Lord Rosewood and experiences an attraction unlike any he’s ever felt. He learns a werewolf myth may hold the answers.

When Lord Rosewood is implicated in a crime, Reeve risks all to find the real culprit. Meanwhile, Lord Rosewood is hiding something that could change everything. Can the two overcome their issues and find their way to each other?

Wyldling Snare – A.R. Grimes

He’s determined to reconcile his duty with his dreams. But will a secret destiny ensnare him first?

Apprentice knight Enoch Northward isn’t ready to lead. But when he returns home to find his mentor dead and the heir-apparent missing, he knows he must rise to the challenge.

But the horrifying truth of his guardian’s death and disappearance of his friends leaves the grieving knight with no time to mourn. In search of answers, he ventures into the forbidden forest. There he discovers a portal leading to another world – and a girl who shares his faith and dreams.

The realm hangs in the balance as a mysterious enemy schemes to destroy it, but not all peril comes from the outside. Enoch himself harbors a secret that could destroy all he loves…

If you enjoy portal fantasy and adventure, then you’ll love Wyldling Snare, the first installment of the Wyldling Dream series – a coming of age story with underlying themes of faith, friendship, and found family.