Hi my friends! It’s the last day of June. I hope you enjoyed June, did all the events you wanted or read all the books or just did you.

I put Wolf Healer in a couple of book events. I told you about the one a couple of weeks ago. Today, is the last day of Jae’s month Pride Reads. Today there are a ton of free books and the chance to win things! Wolf Healer is up for a free audiobook. Check it out!!

Jae’s Pride Reads Link…

If any of you see my posts on facebook or instagram, you know I talk about the writing community as being very important to my writing career. One of the people who has helped me is Jessica Rosenberg, an indie author who lives in Santa Cruz, California. She’s from Paris originally and when I went out to visit there last summer, she put up with a lot of my questions.

I’ve read some of her books. She writes about a magical town on the east coast. Like me, her writing has a lot of food, so expect to be hungry! Her characters tend to be older, but the stories are low spice.

There is a new book coming out, Spells & Spice & Everything Nice, and you may find this book, or others that she writes, a way to fill in the space between my books.

Juliette’s magic can find anything—except what she craves most. Compelled to return lost objects to their rightful owners, Juliette finds fulfillment in reuniting lockets, grimoires, and letters with their owners. But with her love life in tatters, her latest assignment stings. Between her demanding magic, colorful friends, Harvey the mischievous foster raccoon, and her thriving bookshop, Juliette’s hands and heart are full. But the mystery of a bedraggled teddy bear and a missing witchling awakens her deepest desires for a family of her own. With friends casting perfect spells by her side and Tybalt’s unexpected support, Juliette races to find the child, hoping to right the ultimate wrong and perhaps gain what she yearns for most. Join Juliette, Harvey, and the rest of the Portney gang in Spells & Spice & Everything Nice. Like the first two, the third Wyrd Words & Witchcraft Paranormal Women’s Fiction book is set in the same beach town as Jessica Rosenberg’s popular Baking Up a Magical Midlife series.

Happy soon to be July!


Happy Pride Month!

I know I’ve been sending out a lot of newsletters. This one will be very short. Three items!

  1. Veiled Phoenix comes out on the 14th! Pre-order today. I have the physical books, and they are beautiful!
  2. I’ll be at the Kenosha Book Festival on Sunday in Kenosha, Wisconsin, across the street from Studio Moonfall bookstore. Come out and see me!
  3. Jae, a big name in sapphic books, has put together a month long Pride Reads Celebration. There are books, and giveaways. Go check it out! There is something every day!

That’s it!


Cat pic to make you smile!

Thunderbolts and Lightening!

If you live anywhere in or around Wisconsin, you know the weather is … exciting. It’s Saturday right now, and ironically, the weather is nice.

But, yesterday and tomorrow are thunderstorms. Earlier this week we had a day with four (five?) tornado sirens!! Below is an image of the storm Tuesday night. Friends lost power for days. We lucked out.

Long story short … I got a lot of reading done, and the BOOK FAIR is postponed until June 2nd. Good news, I will definitely have copies of Veiled Phoenix, officially out June 14th, pre-order the eBook today!, to sell!!! Bad news, you have to wait a week to buy them.

I still hope to see you there!

In the meantime, I’m almost done cleaning up Battle Phoenix, then I’m back to the Pebble books!


Take me to Your BOOKevent!

Do you remember when you were young and the library was taken over were book for you to BEG your parents to buy for you? Row after row of all of the best books.

Photo by Alexander Grey on

Well, a group of authors are bringing that same idea to you this week! I know, it’s almost too exciting.

So, what are the rules. Follow this link. There are a bunch of TikTok authors. Find there post with the following image. All of the descriptions are the same, except each description has ONE word capitalized. Find all the capitalized words. You have until Wednesday to do this.

Then, there will be a live event on Friday. It’ll all be great. Prizes, books, and a fun way to spend the start of the cold season!

Again, here is the form you need to fill out to enter. I hope to see you all there!


Events and News!

I am surrounded by cats! It’s true. I live with four of them, and there is always one near by. When we got the fourth cat, my son named her Jade. It wasn’t my choice, I promise you. My son thought it would be cute. Here is a picture of Jade ‘helping’ me grade quizzes.

I’ve been struggling to get the cover for Pack done, but magically, I finally got it this week. I think it’s good. It took a long time. I went back and forth with the cover artist, but in the end, phew! I’ll be showing the world the cover… soon. Here is the big question, Pack is slated to come out on May 8th, if I can get it together to release early, should I publish in April? Let me know in the comments.

If you want signed books, I offer those on my website, shipping included within the continental US.

Once again, I books lists of books that you can look into, especially in this season of spring break.

This is a LGBTQ+ SFF book fair!

If you’re interested in books with strong female leads, check out this list:

I don’t usually recommend romance, but if it’s a genre you enjoy, check out this list:

Or this one:

Lastly, but not least. My friends YA portal fantasy. It’s an amazing book, well written, and really worth reading:

Well, I hope in all of that, you’ve found something you may enjoy!


Holiday Reading

It is mid-November and we are at the start of many many holidays and maybe cold weather. Is there anything better to pass the time than reading? I have two great promos that will warm you to the soul!

The first, is all about YA Fantasy and Sci Fi Books. Don’t miss your chance to get these books, including Wolf Healer. I know many of you have Wolf Healer, but if you want to share this link for your friends, that would be amazing. For any of these book, you register with your email, and get the book for free.

The next promotion, is a list of many amazing Fantasy Books available On Kindle Unlimited. Now, if you don’t have Kindle Unlimited, each of these books can also be purchased in other ways, but they do have the option of Kindle Unlimited as well.

In the end, these two promos will give you a ton of fun and exciting reading opportunities!

Read on my friends, and share these links with other friends!



A site worth seeing!

I love SapphFic is an amazing website. They promote books, the reading of books, authors of books, and the joining of the two in a fun celebration.

They have asked many of the authors they promote to bring to their readers the books that they love for free, and how could the authors refuse. They put together:

For three days, over seventy Sapphic ebooks will be available for free. These books range from YA, like mine, Wolf Healer, to books that bring spice. To join their celebration of books, just visit their Free Fall Event, and check out all they have to offer!

You can also find I heart Sapphic on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or just sign up for their author newsletter and never miss a thing!



Books On Sale!!

Hi my friends! At the end of July I told you about my friend, Astrid, who was bringing you a month of book deals. Each week she presents a new collection of books at a discount. Well, we are here. August 17-24, all three of the Jade Stone Chronicles books will be on sale for $0.99. That’s right, you can pick up all my books for less than it normally costs to get a single book!

This is the time to get the books if you’ve been waiting for a deal. I don’t know that I’ll put all the books on sale, together, again. I just love the idea that my books are a back-to-school essential, and everyone should pick them up!



Wolf Healer

Although she trips over her own feet during gym class, Jade’s confident her academics are spot on to become the next healer for her parent’s werewolf pack. But when her best friend invites her to spring break in Florida, everything she thought she knew shatters.

Returning to Wisconsin, with carefully guarded secrets laid bare, Jade struggles to find acceptance. As the blows keep coming, she and her closest friends confront the packs intolerances.

Will she be able to hold the pieces of her shattering life together long enough to find a new path?


Over the summer, between sophomore and junior year, Jade and her werewolf pack family rescue Pebble, a five-year-old girl from the foster care system in Illinois. They worry, after her family was found dead by the side of the interstate, that they may have been attacked by a rogue werewolf. After bringing her home, small animals, and then people around town start to turn up dead.

Stolzburg has a rogue werewolf and the alphas have made it clear that Jade and friends need to stay safe. Just because Jade is avoiding the danger, doesn’t mean it’s avoiding her.


As Jade rebuilds her life after last autumn’s trauma, Sarah decides joining track is the perfect distraction. While Jade’s figuring out how to compete without giving away her wereanimal status, Bevin finds someone nice he can date.

When summer begins, Jade travels cross country with José, Owen, and Tanner to visit colleges. A run-in with rogue werewolves triggers new epsilon abilities and an unlikely alliance develops. The question becomes: can she save her new ally or will she end up dead?

I LOVE books!

Do you?

There are all sorts of ways to find amazing books online. At the start of July, I told you about a place to find great reads for the month. If you don’t remember, check it out right here! The promo is only open a few more days, so be sure to check it out.

But wait, there is more!! During the month of August, Astrid has found fantasy books that will be available to you for free or for $0.99! Each week, a new set of books will be there for your perusal! How amazing is that. My books will be there the week of August 17th, don’t worry, I’ll remind you. You can find her fair here, book mark it and enjoy a month of amazing reads!!

If you want more information about Astrid and her amazing book or book offers, you can follow her on Amazon, or Instagram. And I hope you take as much advantage of this as I do…it will be amazing!

