Summer – FREE BOOKS!

Hi everyone! I want to keep this short and sweet. Updates:

  1. I have written and updated the Pebble Stone Chronicle trilogy. I will now pass them off to my team to do their magic. This won’t be a quick process, but it’s worth the wait.
  2. Veiled Phoenix is out in the world! The second book, Moonstone Phoenix, is past the first editor and soon, I hope, will be off to the second.
  3. I believe I started in the subject that there were free books!

I know I’ve mentioned this, but ALL DAY TODAY!!! Free fantasy books!!


May the books be ever in your kindle!


It’s 2024!

Hi my friends! I am beyond excited for the new year. The end of 2023 was a bit rough. That said, I can’t believe the last of the Jade Stone Chronicles came out!

Did any of you read the short story? What did you think? I’d love to hear back from you.

I’m about to start writing the last of the phoenix books. It will be a trilogy. I don’t know that I’ll write more in that world, but at the start, Wolf Healer was a stand alone, so, we’ll see.


Today, January 1st, for one day only, there is a HUGE FREE EBOOK EVENT. You may know of the free romance event, but this is different, it’s fantasy book. Moreover, you do NOT need to join a newsletter to get the books. All these books have been set to free on TODAY! Check it out!

Most of you have read Wolf Healer, but that’s the book I’ve submitted. That said, there are many other books you can find!

Check out the link, here (or many places above).

As a reminder, if you want to come meet me and maybe check out some of my other books, get something signed, in a couple of weeks I’ll be at Studio Moonfall in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It is an absolutely lovely bookstore everyone should check out. Not only does it have great books and book stuff, it supports so many authors and author events!

Lastly, if you want to join the ARC (advanced reader copy) team for Veiled Phoenix, the first of the phoenix shifter series, sign up here. I don’t think I’ll be ready to publish for a few months, but of course, y’all will be the first to know!



That’s A Wrap!

Hi my friends! Today Pack Present went live. It answers some of the questions you may have had at the end of Battlefield. I hope it answers all the lingering questions, and answers some you didn’t even know you had! It’s a short Christmas Novella, but it packs a punch.

Some fun facts about the book:

  1. It has MORE than just Jade’s POV!! I know, this was fun for me as well. There are, I believe 3 points of view in the book. I’ll tell you Bevin is one of the other POVs, but I’m not going to tell you the last, it would be a bit of a spoiler.
  2. The pack has cats!! Right! If you look at the cover of the book, you can see the cat. There is a cat anthology coming out in 2024 and I submitted a short story about how the pack get kittens. Well, the short story takes place BETWEEN Battlefield and Pack Present, so now the kittens are cats.
  3. The cat’s name’s all come from the book: Wyldling Snare, by A.R. Grimes. I believe the book is either free or on sale right now. As is book 2, Wyldling Trials in the series. A fantastic series by the way.

Other fun facts. The next series, yes, I plan on writing Pebble’s story, but before that comes out, I have two books in a phoenix shifter series written: Veiled Phoenix. I’m actually collecting names for an ARC team. If you think you’d be interested, fill out the form. The main character is nonbinary. Writing a main character with they/them pronouns has been a trip.

I have a few TikTok videos. If you go and watch and comment, you could win free audiobooks version of Wolf Healer (and beyond!). They audiobooks are amazing. Here is one of the videos: TikTok Video!!

Happy Holidays!


Let’s Make a Deal!

Hi my friends! It’s August, schools are starting up, and I want to do a back to school deal. I actually have TWO deals for you in this newsletter!

Okay, first of all, I have a new cover for Wolf Healer. I’ll reveal it… soon. Probably when the audiobook comes out. I’ve been listening to the chapters, and y’all, I’m SO excited! I can’t even tell you. It will be fantastic!

So, what’s my good news? With my new cover, I have a stash of paperback books with the old cover. Get a signed copy of Wolf Healer, with the OG cover mailed to you for $17. This offer is good to anyone who lives in the continental US. You can find the deal on the home page of my website. Here!

As always, you can order all of my books, signed, at any time… here.

But I did mention TWO great deals. Check out this amazing book, FREE right now! The Vessel Games, by E.J. Eden is free from the 16th of August through the 20th. The second book comes out on the 16th. The book is a cross between the Hunger Games and The Handmaid’s Tale. Interested? You should be!

I will warn you, the book DOES come with a few warnings…

Did you see me mention the audiobook? Are you as excited as I am? And the Christmas novella… the cover is ALMOST done. I’ll let you see both the new Wolf Healer cover and that cover in the next newsletter.

Photo by Sanket Mishra on

If any of you are near Sheboygan, Wisconsin, on Saturday, August 19th I’ll be doing an author event with another author at a most amazing bookstore: WordHaven Bookstore. If you are interested in learning about how to create a book series, click here!

Happy back to school!


Books, books, and more books!

It’s June! Schools are getting out for the summer. Father’s day is coming. It’s a great time to read!

I recently told you that I’ve been finishing up the Jade Stone Chronicles. Included in this six book series is a novella, that I hope to release in November. I want to give more information, but … spoilers! Since the manuscript for Book 6: Battlefield is with the formatter, my dream of publishing it in July can become a reality. That means July 21, 2023!

To celebrate the release of the last book in the series, Wolf Healer will be on sale for $0.99, July 21 – July 25th. You’re the first to learn this great news!

Anyone who lives in Illinois, I’m planning on attending a P-Flag event in Tinley Park on July 9th, I’d love to see you there! I’ll have my books as well as books from other local authors. It will be a ton of fun!

I know that’s over a month to wait, so, what will you read and do until then? And what if you want Wolf Healer NOW?

To get Wolf Healer now, click on this link, find it, and other great books:

If you are interested in other book, here are a couple of books that are on sale for $0.99. Check them out!

A Dragon’s Smile by Luna Fox and F. Lowberry

David’s life is hollow after his grandmother passes away. He becomes isolated, and though he finds joy in his various pursuits, he misses a crucial part of living–the true closeness that can come only with a real, genuine friendship.

Sara has come alone into Belfast, Maine, escaping from a past that torments her. Her cheery disposition and quick smile lead her to form an easy, sincere friendship with David, as they find in each other what they have lacked throughout their lives: Someone they can trust.

But will their trust survive Sara’s many secrets?

The Unknown Sun – Cheryl S. Mackey

Pre-Order for 99c until November!

The world of Skyfall will die unless Moira finds the lost immortals.

Seventeen-year-old Moira is haunted by the accidents that claimed her family. When she is attacked by a strange boy who seems to know too much about her past, Moira fears death will come for her a third time. Saved by twins Airi and Bel, she is taken to their world and safety.

Or so they thought.

Skyfall is dying, the land destroyed during a supernatural war. Those who had protected it, the lost immortals, have gone missing and the land has decayed beyond redemption unless their magic can restore it. Armed with a mysterious talisman Moira, Airi, and Bel must find a journal left by the twins’ dead mother that will tell them how to find and free the Immortals known as The Unknown Sun.

Deeper, darker, secrets unravel around them when the journal reveals shocking information…because everything has a price and the price just might be Moira.

A rebellion against the Windwalker kingdom stalks them from the shadows until it threatens their quests and the boy who tried to destroy Moira appears and is determined to seek revenge.

Have an amazing summer!



Hi all. Again, I have so many great book deals to share with you! First of all, all four of my ebooks that are out are on sale for $1.99. That’s 50% off. The links are just below!

Moreover, the website iHeartSapphFic has gathered a bunch of authors who are offering their books on sale. I have the links to those deals below as well.

Here’s the link to the first page (all books priced at 99c):

Here’s the link to the second page (all books priced higher than 99c):

Pretty amazing, no? But wait, if you call in the next twenty minutes…

iHeartSapphFic has done one more thing, they gathered excerpts from authors and put them into a book. This book is being offered to you FOR FREE!!! Yep, I know, amazing!

If you’re ending spring break, I hope it was fabulous. If you’re starting spring break, yippy! And if spring break isn’t part of your March, enjoy the books.

On a last note, if you are in Wisconsin, near Sheboygan, I’ll be here on Sunday. Please consider stopping in!


Events and News!

I am surrounded by cats! It’s true. I live with four of them, and there is always one near by. When we got the fourth cat, my son named her Jade. It wasn’t my choice, I promise you. My son thought it would be cute. Here is a picture of Jade ‘helping’ me grade quizzes.

I’ve been struggling to get the cover for Pack done, but magically, I finally got it this week. I think it’s good. It took a long time. I went back and forth with the cover artist, but in the end, phew! I’ll be showing the world the cover… soon. Here is the big question, Pack is slated to come out on May 8th, if I can get it together to release early, should I publish in April? Let me know in the comments.

If you want signed books, I offer those on my website, shipping included within the continental US.

Once again, I books lists of books that you can look into, especially in this season of spring break.

This is a LGBTQ+ SFF book fair!

If you’re interested in books with strong female leads, check out this list:

I don’t usually recommend romance, but if it’s a genre you enjoy, check out this list:

Or this one:

Lastly, but not least. My friends YA portal fantasy. It’s an amazing book, well written, and really worth reading:

Well, I hope in all of that, you’ve found something you may enjoy!


Spring Is In The Air!

I have gotten Pack back from the editor! Yes, you read the right. I am somewhat ahead of schedule. The cover isn’t done… but I’m working on that. If all my silly ducks keep going in the same direction, I’ll consider publishing early… Leave me a comment on if you think that’s a good idea!

I got a week by week calendar this year because I don’t know if I can keep track of all the things I’m doing. I don’t know when I got to be so busy. I don’t think I’ve missed anything huge, but part of me wonders if at one point I had a third kid and I’ve left the poor soul somewhere!

I’ve double checked and I still have all four cats, and they look well fed (as do my two kids… and according to all my pictures, that’s the correct number.)

After Pack, Battlefield is the last book of the Jade Stone Chronicles. I’m debating a Christmas story… let me know your thoughts in the comments.

The free short story I talked about a few newsletter ago, I threw up on Amazon. You can still get it from me if you’d like, just let me know. You can send me a note in the contact form or leave a comment and I’ll give you a personal code. If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read it that way, too. I’m including the QR code here, I believe you can get the free book by giving your email again, but you won’t get two newsletters, the website is smarter than that…

While you are waiting for Pack to come out, here are some options.

Books with strong female leads:


Thanks for reading!


Happy New Year!

What an amazing year it has been! Three new books have come out: Epsilon, Alphas, and Traitor. In 2023, I plan on releasing Pack and Battlefield, and then the series will be complete. With some convincing, I may give Pebble her own series, but it hasn’t been started yet.

During November, I wrote the first two books of a phoenix-shifter series. I am very excited about this new series as well.

I don’t know about you, but this last week of the year — the days before New Years — they always seem to be a blur. When I’m not writing, I teach, but now that it’s winter break the days have become a formless blob of unknown time. I know a lot of people like to read, and as it goes, a LOT of books go on sale. Since my books are all available on Kindle Unlimited, I can’t put them on sale very often. However, a website I adore, I love Sapphfic — features a bunch of books that ARE on sale from Dec 26 – Dec 30. Check them out!

You can find the books here!

As I have mentioned before, you can get great fantasy books here when you join the author’s newsletters! This deal is open until the end of the year.

Lastly, three books I think you’ll love!

Flash Flood – Melissa Gunn

Tammy’s a demigoddess with a water affinity. It’s just her luck that she lives in soggy England, and has developed a water allergy. On her way home she encounters a flash flood and a teenage werewolf, and everything changes – but for better or worse? 

Read for free when you join her newsletter!

Aspiring – Astrid V. J.

Silver winner of the 2019 Literary Classics International Book Award for Young Adult Fantasy

“A well written and utterly charming coming-of-age tale. With excellent world-building in a realm where magic, elves, and unicorns exist, we are introduced to perfectly flawed and highly relatable characters.”

About Aspiring

A coven of witches plots to overthrow a kingdom. One brave woman stands in their way.

At her mother’s death-bed, Elisabeth learns her mother’s illness is no accident and that her own life is in danger. Evil witches are plotting to take over the kingdom of Vendale. All alone, naive, and untrained, Elisabeth’s determination is all she has to confront her mother’s murderers as she discovers love at the same time. While Richard’s behaviour sends distracting mixed messages, Elisabeth finds herself stuck in limbo: she is treated like a child but is forced to make adult decisions. Meanwhile, the witches’ plot spins a fateful web around her.

Can Elisabeth succeed in the face of insurmountable odds?

The Reluctant Wizard – A.A. Warne

By day, wizards rule the world. At night, warlocks seek to destroy it. Now, one boy will challenge them both. 

Eli never wanted to be a rebel. All he wants is an end to the famine and war threatening his community. To save his mother and baby brother from marauding warlocks, Eli is forced to make a heartbreaking decision. He must travel to Terra Magicae, the mysterious land of the wizards, to study magic. In exchange, the wizards will protect his family, but this protection comes at a price: once Eli enters the Grand Wizardry Academy, he may never come home. 

Full of lush landscapes and magical marvels, Terra Magicae is more wondrous than Eli ever imagined… and more dangerous. At first, Eli’s struggles to fit in at the Academy seem ordinary. But the more he questions the wizards, the more he suspects a sinister purpose behind their bizarre rules and tests. For a dark secret lies at the heart of this mystical land, one so terrible it threatens not only the students at the Academy but the lives of everyone Eli loves. 

To save them all, Eli must step into the midst of the battle between the wizards and warlocks and defy both sides. He must become the rebel he was always meant to be.




Okay, the site ISN’T new the the URL is… I’ve lost the “wordpress”! My website is now:! If you had my site saved off, make sure to update it. If not, no worries.

I even have a new logo!

I am part of a promo, please share with people you know if they are interested in getting a free copy of Wolf Healer…

I know you’re thinking, Huckle, Traitor just came out, what should I do now… well, here are some great books to read once you’ve caught up with the Jade Stone Chronicles!



The Fair Queen – Lyndsey Hall

A brooding fae prince. A tyrannical king out for her blood. Could she be the one to save them all?

Aria is bored of her small town and dreams of a life filled with excitement and adventure. Until an eye-opening encounter at the summer fair sees her ripped from her normal life and thrown into a nightmare.

Dragged through the Veil into the Fair Realm by a strange, silver-eyed boy and his band of fairy soldiers, Aria discovers she is the legendary Fair Queen, the subject of a prophecy that promises to bring an end to the centuries-long conflict between the Five Kingdoms.

With terrifying creatures on their heels, and a tyrannical king who will stop at nothing to prevent the prophecy from coming true, Aria will have to rely on her wits if she’s to escape the Fair Realm with her life.

But can she resist the charms of her dark and mysterious captor, or will the fae prince steal her heart?

Oracle of Life – Katherine D. Graham

Six fallen lords. Three vengeful goddesses. And one mortal, damned to prophesy for them all.

An Exiled Oracle

Nariah, the Heiress of Ellonai, is dead. An exiled, desert-dwelling Doomsayer is all that remains within the shell of the powerful princess she once was.

A Heretic

She isn’t sure which of her visions her people hate more: the one where the three benevolent goddesses they serve have decided to destroy the world, or the vision of six lords falling from the skies to save them.

The World’s Only Hope

Stumbling across the very lords she’s been seeing in her visions for years, only Nariah’s accursed gift of Sight can aid the lords in their rebellion against the goddesses, and determine the fate of her world before it’s turned to ash.

But does she even want to save those who’ve wronged her?

A whole new take on mythological fantasy awaits in this thrilling dark epic by USA Today Bestselling Author Katherine D. Graham.

Chasing Fae – Cady Hammer

The Fae can never be fully innocent. Never.

Grace Richardson is a young mortal woman whose only concerns are providing for her family, playing her violin, and spending as much time as possible with her brother, Leo. When Leo goes into service in the Fae’s world as a mercenary, she expects him to return with the honor that he deserves.

When Leo suddenly dies in an unspecified accident, not a word, medal, or penny comes down from the higher-ups. Suspecting foul play, Grace disguises herself as a Fae and sneaks into the Upper Realm to get some answers. She anticipates being in way over her head, but the Fae soldier who discovers her true identity only a day in? Not so much.

Now Grace is forced to drag Aiden along as she tries to work out exactly how and why her brother died. Along the way, she has no choice but to confront her prejudices against the Fae as she attempts to sort out the difference between the honest and the dishonest. Political conspiracies, demon realm escapades, and family secrets will all lead Grace to the answers she’s looking for… and some that she isn’t.

Join the adventure in Chasing Fae, Book 1 of the Chasing Fae Trilogy!

The Elven Prince – K. Rose

What is a royal hunt without the crowned prince? Not nearly as exciting. This year, however, I refuse to let my brothers upstage me. It is my year to prove myself. After all, they’ve had enough accolades awarded to them over the years.

A visit from the Oracle changes things, though, and now it isn’t the biggest animal we’re vying for. A treasure hidden on our hunt needs protection, and something strong calls to me to do just that. Too bad this treasure is not exactly what I expected . . .

Now, it is up to my best friend Zaren and I to deliver the treasure to the Fire Keepers. The catch? We have to keep it away from the Sorceress and her minions at all costs. Easier said than done, especially when we find ourselves kidnapped.

These captors might just be the companions we need to see this quest through. There’s just one more complication . . .

Join the Elven Prince on an adventure to take the Oracle’s treasure to The Fire Keepers- a journey that will take him through unknown lands outside of his safely guarded kingdom. The realm, full of mischief and magic surrounding every living creature, will surprise you. Follow along his trek, taking you beyond your dreams to a place that amazes at every turn. Magic and myth will surround you, pushing the boundaries of what could be reality and fantastical but still no less real. The Elven Prince is ready for his epic adventure. Are you?

In later books, this fantasy adventure with romantic undertones will bloom into a reverse harem romance. It can be read as a standalone if you wish, as there is an HFN ending.

Braden Hawk – TC Marti

My life changed forever in a single, tragic evening.

They convicted me of killing twelve people with a single swipe of my Sword of Wind.

Little did they know someone else committed the crime.

They never knew I was betrayed. Betrayed not just by an ally, but by my dear cousin. My best friend at the Celestial University of the Northeast, she fought alongside me in the Elemental War against the notorious Machis. Then, she revealed her true colors and took everything I had. My parents, my little godsister, my freedom.

Now I’ve broken out of my little cage and I will avenge their deaths, along with everything else she and the Machis took from me.

I am Braden Hawk. I am a Wind Master. I am a Sentinel. I am out for blood. And I will reveal the truth.