Hi my friends! It’s the last day of June. I hope you enjoyed June, did all the events you wanted or read all the books or just did you.

I put Wolf Healer in a couple of book events. I told you about the one a couple of weeks ago. Today, is the last day of Jae’s month Pride Reads. Today there are a ton of free books and the chance to win things! Wolf Healer is up for a free audiobook. Check it out!!

Jae’s Pride Reads Link…

If any of you see my posts on facebook or instagram, you know I talk about the writing community as being very important to my writing career. One of the people who has helped me is Jessica Rosenberg, an indie author who lives in Santa Cruz, California. She’s from Paris originally and when I went out to visit there last summer, she put up with a lot of my questions.

I’ve read some of her books. She writes about a magical town on the east coast. Like me, her writing has a lot of food, so expect to be hungry! Her characters tend to be older, but the stories are low spice.

There is a new book coming out, Spells & Spice & Everything Nice, and you may find this book, or others that she writes, a way to fill in the space between my books.

Juliette’s magic can find anything—except what she craves most. Compelled to return lost objects to their rightful owners, Juliette finds fulfillment in reuniting lockets, grimoires, and letters with their owners. But with her love life in tatters, her latest assignment stings. Between her demanding magic, colorful friends, Harvey the mischievous foster raccoon, and her thriving bookshop, Juliette’s hands and heart are full. But the mystery of a bedraggled teddy bear and a missing witchling awakens her deepest desires for a family of her own. With friends casting perfect spells by her side and Tybalt’s unexpected support, Juliette races to find the child, hoping to right the ultimate wrong and perhaps gain what she yearns for most. Join Juliette, Harvey, and the rest of the Portney gang in Spells & Spice & Everything Nice. Like the first two, the third Wyrd Words & Witchcraft Paranormal Women’s Fiction book is set in the same beach town as Jessica Rosenberg’s popular Baking Up a Magical Midlife series.

Happy soon to be July!


Summer – FREE BOOKS!

Hi everyone! I want to keep this short and sweet. Updates:

  1. I have written and updated the Pebble Stone Chronicle trilogy. I will now pass them off to my team to do their magic. This won’t be a quick process, but it’s worth the wait.
  2. Veiled Phoenix is out in the world! The second book, Moonstone Phoenix, is past the first editor and soon, I hope, will be off to the second.
  3. I believe I started in the subject that there were free books!

I know I’ve mentioned this, but ALL DAY TODAY!!! Free fantasy books!!


May the books be ever in your kindle!


Fire and Phoenixes!

Happy June!

Well, it finally happened. Veiled Phoenix is alive and well and out in the world. For those of you who read books on Kindle Unlimited, go, read, and enjoy. If you’re more interested in eBook or Paperback, those are available as well.

Moonstone Phoenix, the second book is slated to come out on November 22nd. If I can get all my raving racoons to agree, I may get the book out sooner. At the moment, that actually looks good. I have one and a quarter edits left. Beyond that, the cover is done and I do my own formatting.

I’ve been spending the last month and a half critiquing SO many books. It’s been nice getting back to reading. I’m also almost done writing and cleaning up the Pebble trilogy. Then I’ll throw the series to the critique/edit group. We should see Pebble out in 2025 … at the latest. (I may write faster than my elves can work…)

We are halfway through pride month, hope you’re enjoying it!


Happy Pride Month!

I know I’ve been sending out a lot of newsletters. This one will be very short. Three items!

  1. Veiled Phoenix comes out on the 14th! Pre-order today. I have the physical books, and they are beautiful!
  2. I’ll be at the Kenosha Book Festival on Sunday in Kenosha, Wisconsin, across the street from Studio Moonfall bookstore. Come out and see me!
  3. Jae, a big name in sapphic books, has put together a month long Pride Reads Celebration. There are books, and giveaways. Go check it out! There is something every day!

That’s it!


Cat pic to make you smile!

It’s March, and We’re MAD!

Okay, not really. Actually, I’m rather happy to have survived February. It was rather mild, scarily so. I even went without a coat once. As someone living in Wisconsin, that is unheard of. The next day it was below freezing and there was snow, so that made more sense.

I just now … like a few minutes ago, listened to the first chapter sample of Pack Present, the last audiobook being made for the Jade Stone Chronicles. Andrea Kummer get’s better and better every time.

Over the last month, I wrote the first of the Pebble Stone Chronicles! I don’t know that I told you it was being written, but she’s getting her own trilogy.

I’ve updated the website. I realize it’s been awhile … too long. I spend more time writing the worrying about such trivialities. Pebble has her own pages, and I’ve given small blurbs to the books I feel comfortable summarizing. I don’t have covers yet. I’m still agonizing over how they should look. There are so many overhead bits and pieces to publishing a book!

Speaking of books, Veiled Phoenix … oh! I need to get the phoenix books up to the website! Always more to do!!! Anyway, Veiled Phoenix is with the editor. If I can get the cover made for that book, I may be able to get it published before the summer.

If you want more constant updates, I have been keeping my facebook page updated and revving with daily posts. Check it out!

Anyway, if you want to be on the ARC team for Veiled Phoenix, a … you guessed it, a phoenix shifter book, with magic users, phoenixes, and a gender fluid main character, sign up here:

An ARC means advanced read copy. I’ll send you the eBook and if you’re comfortable, you leave a review as close to the day the book publishes as you can.

Happy March Madness, my friends


Let it SNOW!!!

It is Friday the … well 12th, not 13th, but we were SO close.

It is the second time this week Wisconsin has closed for snow. On Tuesday it wasn’t so bad. I didn’t want to leave the house anyway. I’d gone shopping on Monday, not thinking about the forecasted snow, and ran into everyone and their brother shopping … it was fun. I sometimes feel I’m as clueless about the obvious as Jade!

Today, I was supposed to drive roughly two hours to Kenosha, Wisconsin for a ‘Meet the Author’ event. I’ve been planning this trip to Studio Moonfall for over a month. I love the bookstore and the owner is lovely. Unfortunately, the snow, ice, and overall blizzard had another idea.

I’ve rescheduled for May 17th … past the semester when I’m teaching and hopefully past the snow!

In early December my family got a new kitten. She is now six months old. She’s been hiding in my bedroom since we got her. Yesterday, we locked her out of the bedroom. Believe it or not, she started to explore and see what her new home was about.

Happy January!


It’s 2024!

Hi my friends! I am beyond excited for the new year. The end of 2023 was a bit rough. That said, I can’t believe the last of the Jade Stone Chronicles came out!

Did any of you read the short story? What did you think? I’d love to hear back from you.

I’m about to start writing the last of the phoenix books. It will be a trilogy. I don’t know that I’ll write more in that world, but at the start, Wolf Healer was a stand alone, so, we’ll see.


Today, January 1st, for one day only, there is a HUGE FREE EBOOK EVENT. You may know of the free romance event, but this is different, it’s fantasy book. Moreover, you do NOT need to join a newsletter to get the books. All these books have been set to free on TODAY! Check it out!

Most of you have read Wolf Healer, but that’s the book I’ve submitted. That said, there are many other books you can find!

Check out the link, here (or many places above).

As a reminder, if you want to come meet me and maybe check out some of my other books, get something signed, in a couple of weeks I’ll be at Studio Moonfall in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It is an absolutely lovely bookstore everyone should check out. Not only does it have great books and book stuff, it supports so many authors and author events!

Lastly, if you want to join the ARC (advanced reader copy) team for Veiled Phoenix, the first of the phoenix shifter series, sign up here. I don’t think I’ll be ready to publish for a few months, but of course, y’all will be the first to know!



Happy Holidays

Hi my friends. I hope your December has been festive and full of less sugar than mine. I’ve been practicing different dessert recipes for a few weeks, maybe months, and I’m good and sugared at this point.

I need to figure out a way to desugar myself before I turn into a sugary pastry. Anyone who wants to join me in trying to eat better or exercise, having others join in the torture is always better, just let me know.

Photo by Pixabay on

So, last summer Andrea Kummer, narrator extraordinaire, contacted me about the Jade Stone Chronicles. She just finished book 5. I’ve been reviewing the chapters and the book should be available in a couple weeks.

Whereas she lives in Los Angeles, she’s from Wisconsin. She came home for the holidays, and I had the pleasure to meet her. As we spoke about all things book and not book, she told me she’d had some thoughts about my characters outside of the stories I’ve written.

She inspired me to write a short story. I’ll be sending the short story out to all of you in a couple of days.

I’ve been working on my next series as well as trying to map out a Pebble series. We have a new kitten, so it’s hard to get anything done. Maybe I should have all of you vote, the phoenix shifter series or Pebble? It’s a bit of a silly vote since two of the phoenix books are written, but with the list of books I want to write I’m curious about people’s interest in the Pebble series. I mean, I know my family’s opinion!

I hope y’all enjoy these last few days of 2023. For me, it’s been a rough end of the year so I’m definitely looking forward to 2024. The new year brings my birthday month, a new semester, and the hope for new and exciting change.



That’s A Wrap!

Hi my friends! Today Pack Present went live. It answers some of the questions you may have had at the end of Battlefield. I hope it answers all the lingering questions, and answers some you didn’t even know you had! It’s a short Christmas Novella, but it packs a punch.

Some fun facts about the book:

  1. It has MORE than just Jade’s POV!! I know, this was fun for me as well. There are, I believe 3 points of view in the book. I’ll tell you Bevin is one of the other POVs, but I’m not going to tell you the last, it would be a bit of a spoiler.
  2. The pack has cats!! Right! If you look at the cover of the book, you can see the cat. There is a cat anthology coming out in 2024 and I submitted a short story about how the pack get kittens. Well, the short story takes place BETWEEN Battlefield and Pack Present, so now the kittens are cats.
  3. The cat’s name’s all come from the book: Wyldling Snare, by A.R. Grimes. I believe the book is either free or on sale right now. As is book 2, Wyldling Trials in the series. A fantastic series by the way.

Other fun facts. The next series, yes, I plan on writing Pebble’s story, but before that comes out, I have two books in a phoenix shifter series written: Veiled Phoenix. I’m actually collecting names for an ARC team. If you think you’d be interested, fill out the form. The main character is nonbinary. Writing a main character with they/them pronouns has been a trip.

I have a few TikTok videos. If you go and watch and comment, you could win free audiobooks version of Wolf Healer (and beyond!). They audiobooks are amazing. Here is one of the videos: TikTok Video!!

Happy Holidays!


Take me to Your BOOKevent!

Do you remember when you were young and the library was taken over were book for you to BEG your parents to buy for you? Row after row of all of the best books.

Photo by Alexander Grey on

Well, a group of authors are bringing that same idea to you this week! I know, it’s almost too exciting.

So, what are the rules. Follow this link. There are a bunch of TikTok authors. Find there post with the following image. All of the descriptions are the same, except each description has ONE word capitalized. Find all the capitalized words. You have until Wednesday to do this.

Then, there will be a live event on Friday. It’ll all be great. Prizes, books, and a fun way to spend the start of the cold season!

Again, here is the form you need to fill out to enter. I hope to see you all there!
