It’s March, and We’re MAD!

Okay, not really. Actually, I’m rather happy to have survived February. It was rather mild, scarily so. I even went without a coat once. As someone living in Wisconsin, that is unheard of. The next day it was below freezing and there was snow, so that made more sense.

I just now … like a few minutes ago, listened to the first chapter sample of Pack Present, the last audiobook being made for the Jade Stone Chronicles. Andrea Kummer get’s better and better every time.

Over the last month, I wrote the first of the Pebble Stone Chronicles! I don’t know that I told you it was being written, but she’s getting her own trilogy.

I’ve updated the website. I realize it’s been awhile … too long. I spend more time writing the worrying about such trivialities. Pebble has her own pages, and I’ve given small blurbs to the books I feel comfortable summarizing. I don’t have covers yet. I’m still agonizing over how they should look. There are so many overhead bits and pieces to publishing a book!

Speaking of books, Veiled Phoenix … oh! I need to get the phoenix books up to the website! Always more to do!!! Anyway, Veiled Phoenix is with the editor. If I can get the cover made for that book, I may be able to get it published before the summer.

If you want more constant updates, I have been keeping my facebook page updated and revving with daily posts. Check it out!

Anyway, if you want to be on the ARC team for Veiled Phoenix, a … you guessed it, a phoenix shifter book, with magic users, phoenixes, and a gender fluid main character, sign up here:

An ARC means advanced read copy. I’ll send you the eBook and if you’re comfortable, you leave a review as close to the day the book publishes as you can.

Happy March Madness, my friends



Hi all. Again, I have so many great book deals to share with you! First of all, all four of my ebooks that are out are on sale for $1.99. That’s 50% off. The links are just below!

Moreover, the website iHeartSapphFic has gathered a bunch of authors who are offering their books on sale. I have the links to those deals below as well.

Here’s the link to the first page (all books priced at 99c):

Here’s the link to the second page (all books priced higher than 99c):

Pretty amazing, no? But wait, if you call in the next twenty minutes…

iHeartSapphFic has done one more thing, they gathered excerpts from authors and put them into a book. This book is being offered to you FOR FREE!!! Yep, I know, amazing!

If you’re ending spring break, I hope it was fabulous. If you’re starting spring break, yippy! And if spring break isn’t part of your March, enjoy the books.

On a last note, if you are in Wisconsin, near Sheboygan, I’ll be here on Sunday. Please consider stopping in!


Events and News!

I am surrounded by cats! It’s true. I live with four of them, and there is always one near by. When we got the fourth cat, my son named her Jade. It wasn’t my choice, I promise you. My son thought it would be cute. Here is a picture of Jade ‘helping’ me grade quizzes.

I’ve been struggling to get the cover for Pack done, but magically, I finally got it this week. I think it’s good. It took a long time. I went back and forth with the cover artist, but in the end, phew! I’ll be showing the world the cover… soon. Here is the big question, Pack is slated to come out on May 8th, if I can get it together to release early, should I publish in April? Let me know in the comments.

If you want signed books, I offer those on my website, shipping included within the continental US.

Once again, I books lists of books that you can look into, especially in this season of spring break.

This is a LGBTQ+ SFF book fair!

If you’re interested in books with strong female leads, check out this list:

I don’t usually recommend romance, but if it’s a genre you enjoy, check out this list:

Or this one:

Lastly, but not least. My friends YA portal fantasy. It’s an amazing book, well written, and really worth reading:

Well, I hope in all of that, you’ve found something you may enjoy!


Happy New Year!

What an amazing year it has been! Three new books have come out: Epsilon, Alphas, and Traitor. In 2023, I plan on releasing Pack and Battlefield, and then the series will be complete. With some convincing, I may give Pebble her own series, but it hasn’t been started yet.

During November, I wrote the first two books of a phoenix-shifter series. I am very excited about this new series as well.

I don’t know about you, but this last week of the year — the days before New Years — they always seem to be a blur. When I’m not writing, I teach, but now that it’s winter break the days have become a formless blob of unknown time. I know a lot of people like to read, and as it goes, a LOT of books go on sale. Since my books are all available on Kindle Unlimited, I can’t put them on sale very often. However, a website I adore, I love Sapphfic — features a bunch of books that ARE on sale from Dec 26 – Dec 30. Check them out!

You can find the books here!

As I have mentioned before, you can get great fantasy books here when you join the author’s newsletters! This deal is open until the end of the year.

Lastly, three books I think you’ll love!

Flash Flood – Melissa Gunn

Tammy’s a demigoddess with a water affinity. It’s just her luck that she lives in soggy England, and has developed a water allergy. On her way home she encounters a flash flood and a teenage werewolf, and everything changes – but for better or worse? 

Read for free when you join her newsletter!

Aspiring – Astrid V. J.

Silver winner of the 2019 Literary Classics International Book Award for Young Adult Fantasy

“A well written and utterly charming coming-of-age tale. With excellent world-building in a realm where magic, elves, and unicorns exist, we are introduced to perfectly flawed and highly relatable characters.”

About Aspiring

A coven of witches plots to overthrow a kingdom. One brave woman stands in their way.

At her mother’s death-bed, Elisabeth learns her mother’s illness is no accident and that her own life is in danger. Evil witches are plotting to take over the kingdom of Vendale. All alone, naive, and untrained, Elisabeth’s determination is all she has to confront her mother’s murderers as she discovers love at the same time. While Richard’s behaviour sends distracting mixed messages, Elisabeth finds herself stuck in limbo: she is treated like a child but is forced to make adult decisions. Meanwhile, the witches’ plot spins a fateful web around her.

Can Elisabeth succeed in the face of insurmountable odds?

The Reluctant Wizard – A.A. Warne

By day, wizards rule the world. At night, warlocks seek to destroy it. Now, one boy will challenge them both. 

Eli never wanted to be a rebel. All he wants is an end to the famine and war threatening his community. To save his mother and baby brother from marauding warlocks, Eli is forced to make a heartbreaking decision. He must travel to Terra Magicae, the mysterious land of the wizards, to study magic. In exchange, the wizards will protect his family, but this protection comes at a price: once Eli enters the Grand Wizardry Academy, he may never come home. 

Full of lush landscapes and magical marvels, Terra Magicae is more wondrous than Eli ever imagined… and more dangerous. At first, Eli’s struggles to fit in at the Academy seem ordinary. But the more he questions the wizards, the more he suspects a sinister purpose behind their bizarre rules and tests. For a dark secret lies at the heart of this mystical land, one so terrible it threatens not only the students at the Academy but the lives of everyone Eli loves. 

To save them all, Eli must step into the midst of the battle between the wizards and warlocks and defy both sides. He must become the rebel he was always meant to be.



Did you say a sale?

I don’t often talk about being an indie author. If you want the real story, I’ll talk. Anyone who knows me knows this about me: I like to talk!

One thing I will share is this: as a teacher I can set deadlines, and students have to follow them. As an author, an indie author, I’m held to the timelines of the people around me. I ordered a cover, but I get my covers from a Ukrainian company, and they usually need a bit extra time. I know this, and am okay with it. Beta readers, editors, reviewers, they all take time; and I may want them to be done in a day, a week (or, lets be honest, instantly) but they are people with their own lives, and to get a good critique, they need to be given time.

What does this mean? Well, Traitor comes out the first of December. That is really soon! I have a cover, the manuscript has been sent to the formatter. It is all coming together.

But you said sale! I know, I did. I partnered with i heart sapphfic once again, and Epsilon and Alphas are on sale.

Over Thanksgiving weekend in the states, the 25th to the 29th of November, you can get these two books for half off. But as you can see, there are many other books for sale. Check them all out! Support authors during the holidays, and read some excellent books.

