Happy Pride Month!

I know I’ve been sending out a lot of newsletters. This one will be very short. Three items!

  1. Veiled Phoenix comes out on the 14th! Pre-order today. I have the physical books, and they are beautiful!
  2. I’ll be at the Kenosha Book Festival on Sunday in Kenosha, Wisconsin, across the street from Studio Moonfall bookstore. Come out and see me!
  3. Jae, a big name in sapphic books, has put together a month long Pride Reads Celebration. There are books, and giveaways. Go check it out! There is something every day! https://jae-fiction.com/pride-reads-celebration/

That’s it!


Cat pic to make you smile!

Thunderbolts and Lightening!

If you live anywhere in or around Wisconsin, you know the weather is … exciting. It’s Saturday right now, and ironically, the weather is nice.

But, yesterday and tomorrow are thunderstorms. Earlier this week we had a day with four (five?) tornado sirens!! Below is an image of the storm Tuesday night. Friends lost power for days. We lucked out.

Long story short … I got a lot of reading done, and the BOOK FAIR is postponed until June 2nd. Good news, I will definitely have copies of Veiled Phoenix, officially out June 14th, pre-order the eBook today!, to sell!!! Bad news, you have to wait a week to buy them.

I still hope to see you there! https://www.facebook.com/events/374391782017381

In the meantime, I’m almost done cleaning up Battle Phoenix, then I’m back to the Pebble books!


A Wild Ride

Flying high over the overheated state of Wisconsin, my author friend, A.R. Grimes and I went on another adventure. We’ve been on a few this summer, and I’ve been remiss in telling you about them, but let me stay focused.

Last weekend, she and I uncurled the wings of my trusted phoenix, and flew to Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I know, you’ve heard tail of said destination before, a humble bookstore, WordHaven Bookhouse.

We ended up stopping at Superior Bar and Grill for Lunch, I believe my Phoenix believed it was a home away from home with the fiery exterior.

Inside, we met the crew of miniature dragons and leprechauns, who quickly fed us fried cheese and breaded meats. All rather taste, if I do say so myself. We even found the leprechauns pot of… well, not gold, but silver!

Once done, we found our way to the bookshop and set up our books. We met many a nice person, signed books, and discussed our publishing ways.

If you want a published book, they are still on sale, only from the home page, and only for a limited time. If you ask nicely in the box where you tell me who you want the book signed to, I’ll throw in A FREE CODE TO THE AUDIO BOOK!!! This is a VERY limited time offer. And it only goes out to those lovely people in my newsletter.

Wait! Did you read that right? The AUDIOBOOK is available?? It is, my friends, it is!

It went live in a location (including B&N) on August 25th. But you can get a free code from me with a purchase of a book from my website. This Labor Day offer is good until September 4th.


Fun In The Sun

Hi My Friends. I want to thank you all for such a successful launch! Battlefield, the last of the Jade Stone Chronicles came out the 21st of July, and if I check out the Amazon standing today, August 5th, this is what I see:

The Novella IS coming. I’m just struggling to get the cover just right. It will hopefully answer all the remaining questions. I don’t want to put the pre-order for the novella up until I have a cover.

If any of you are close to Sheboygan, Wisconsin, I’ll be hosting a class with A.R. Grimes, writer of Wyldling Snare, a truly excellent book, about how to create a book series. If you want to join us in Sheboygan at Word Haven Book House, click here!

A.R. Grimes can be found here. Her blog Cycle of Tahara is a delight! She posts more cat photos than anyone I know!

Now, if you need a great read while waiting for my books, check out Breaking Glass by Lisa Amowitz. There are only a few days before school starts, so get your reading on now!


My cats deciding who gets top seat!

It’s Alive!

So, in 2019 I thought to myself, why not write a book … how hard can it be. This week, book six, the last in the Jade Stone Chronicles, goes live. Battlefield is here! Find out what happens when the battle comes to Jade! You can now read it on kindle unlimited, eBook, and paperback.

From the 21st of July through the 25th, Wolf Healer is on sale for $0.99. If you haven’t gotten it, now is the time. Tell your friends!

In other news, Andrea Kummer, voice actress extraordinaire, will be narrating Jade Stone Chronicles! That’s right, the series is going to audiobook! Are you as excited as I am?

I’ve had so much fun with this series, watching Jade, Bevin, Sarah, Jose, and Owen grow. It’s exciting that y’all can now read about their full journey. Hopefully, the final Christmas novella will come out in November, and then in 2024 … maybe 2025, Pebble will leap onto the pages.

We still have the phoenix shifter, Ember to discover! So much is happening!

As always, I have some amazing books for you to check out below. The first debuts today and the author is a friend. You should definitely check it out. It’s an amazing book!

Thanks for reading!


Fragments: The Revelation by Chris Cole

When Jake West goes on a first date with Jordan Bailey, sparks fly—both figuratively and literally, as an explosion rocks the restaurant. However, Jordan controls the blast, eyes aflame as he saves their lives.

But Jordan is not alone. There are others like him, some who want to preserve the planet using the power of the elements—The Keepers—and some who want to be recognized and appreciated for the power they—The Disciples. And for some reason, the Disciples are very focused on making sure Jake doesn’t see the light of another day.

Soon, Jake is caught in the middle of a war, Jordan’s dark past, and the race to find the greatest power of all—control over all the elements.

Caged Butterfly by Raven O’Shay

“Let me out of this cage!” I raged and rattled the bars.

I can’t believe I got caught after a short-lived taste of freedom from my royal duties of palace life.

My captors have a hidden agenda to annihilate my home. I must fight… too bad my Fae shifter power only turns me into a kaleidoscope of butterflies. SO not intimidating.

I find help from some unpredictable sources, and my heart flutters at the sight of one strong man.

We watch desperately as the armies start marching towards my forest.

On one hand, I am free with a budding love forming; on the other, the destruction of my Fae colony.

Can I warn my family in time to prevent a war? Will I find my own happy ending before my wings are plucked?

Flowerface – Christiana Matthews

Hell hath no fury like a goddess scorned.

Born of flowers and magic, Blodeuedd is tied to Lleu, the sun-god, in an eternal marriage. Even when she meets a mortal man who shows her the meaning of true love, she remains faithful to her husband.

Soon, however, she discovers that not just her marriage but her entire life has been built on lies and secrets. She was created, not to love Lleu, but as a pawn in his callous game.

Fighting for vengeance as well as for survival, Blodeuedd seeks to protect herself and those she loves from the machinations of her husband and his family. The question is…how can a mere vegetation goddess triumph against the powerful Summer King?

A tale of myth and magic, Flowerface springs from ancient roots in the Welsh Mabinogion. It is intended for an adult audience.

It’s a Battle!

It’s finally July! I spent two weeks traveling from Paris to London, then over to Edinburgh and ending in Dublin, Ireland. The trip was amazing!

Battlefield, the last book in the Jade Stone Chronicle’s comes on out the 21st! Are you as excited as I am? You can pre-order eBooks today and make sure you get that last book right away.

It’s Jade and Bevin’s senior year. The Dynasty wolves don’t want their pack anywhere near them. The battle is on. Can Jade make friends when every friend she makes could be marked by the other wolves as a target in their war?

I have copies of the book! If you want to purchase a book early and live in the continental US, jump on over to the page of my website and order one up. You’ll get a signed copy before the book is officially out!

If you want to wait for the eBook and have already pre-ordered, consider one of these books, already available!

Thanks for reading!


The Lost Heir of Isla – Lyssa Lund

In a world where power and influence rule all, my father was a leader among leaders. As the head advisor to the realms of Isla, he held the fate of our world in his hands. But everything changed when the ruthless and evil Dominic Jull attacked, killing my father and his closest advisors in a brutal strike on the capitol.

Born into a legacy of power and strength, I should have been next in line to take my father’s place. But there was one small problem: I was born a girl. In a society where only men are deemed worthy of leadership, I was marked as an unfit offspring and cast aside.

When my best friend Terron and I are forced to go on the run from the dictator who killed our parents I discover that my destiny may be more than I ever could have imagined. As my 19th birthday approaches and the hunters close in, I must unlock the secrets of my hidden powers and fight for survival in a world where only the strong survive.

Legacy Bound – Elizabeth Daly

Mages bound to the Queen want free of their bindings, whilst those found unbound are put to death. Rebellion is in the air.

Isobel, an empath, hides in plain sight, dreading the day they will come for her. Older sister to William, she has spent her life protecting him while searching for a cure to the demonic corruption that will eventually consume him.

Looking for redemption, former soldier, William, has turned to the Light, renouncing his violent ways. If he doesn’t, he risks losing the battle raging inside him and fears the consequences of that happening to those he loves.

Youngest grandson of the Queen, free spirited Prince Marcus cavorts throughout the empire, determined to enjoy his remaining moments, and with one year left, his time runs short. But when he meets Isobel, Marcus discovers there is more to life than indulging every whim and fancy.

Not knowing friend from foe, and with the repercussions of their actions closing in, Isobel, Marcus and William find themselves on the run whilst trying to stop an uprising that could shatter the empire.

Can they succeed and break free of the shackles of their past, or will they be forever bound to it?

Nothing Romantic – Kennedy Hope

  • This is not YA – has some spice!

Arthur’s promotion at work causes a rift with his long-time girlfriend. After she betrays him, he relocates to Chicago, where he meets Jay: secure, handsome, and light-hearted. Arthur begins to wonder if there could be more to his budding friendship than just friends. But he’s straight…right? When Jay meets Arthur, he gains a gym buddy and someone to help him navigate interviews in the corporate world. Jay thinks he must ignore his growing attraction in order to preserve their friendship.

It’s Spring -y’all!

You know what that means!

Photo by Denishan Joseph on Pexels.com

I am bursting with good news.

  1. I’m wrote a short story that will hopefully part of an anthology. Information about that is below.
  2. I’m about a quarter of the way through a Christmas novella. I know, book six isn’t out, but the novella is on it’s way!!
  3. Book 6… BOOK 6!!! Battlefield! It’s on it’s way. I’m pushing for July 21st, one year after book 3. I know it’s scheduled for August 17th, but you’ll forgive my excitement and hopeful early release.
  4. Let’s circle back to number 1. The anthology. It’s the second in a series. Let me tell you about the first. There is this most AMAZING book. A group of authors wrote short stories about cats. The book? Prrranormal Tails. All proceeds to to pet rescue. I know, amazing. I’ve written and submitted a story to the second anthology.

I want to remind you, if you want signed books, you can get them from my website. The prices include shipping. If you’re international, send me a message and we can discuss other options.

Now, let’s talk amazing books for you to read. Battlefield doesn’t come out for a month, so what should you be reading?

If you want to fill your books with Paranormal Fiction, check out this link! There are some spicy books in here, you’ve been warned! https://books.bookfunnel.com/pnrromanceandpwf/myn37wb194

How about one of these books?

Rebel Magic – Alex Fox

Perfect for fans of K.F. Breene, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Devon Monk, Seana Kelly, Annette Marie, and Debra Dunbar. If you’re a fan of sexy vampires, alpha werewolves, and badass witches this series is for you!     

Ready for a fast, fun adventure with a snarky heroine who doesn’t pull punches? Supernaturally gifted bounty hunter Rebel is on the trail of a gifted con artist in the heart of New Orleans. But she comes face-to-face with a shocking danger far more challenging than one handsome vampire… his BOSS. The Rebel Magic series features action, magic, and mystery deep in the heart of New Orleans.  

Shifted Fate – Parker Love

Can a veiled werewolf see past his fate to build a life and allow himself to find love?

Reeve Lawson, reluctant werewolf and Supernatural Agent, is all about work. Until he meets Lord Rosewood and experiences an attraction unlike any he’s ever felt. He learns a werewolf myth may hold the answers.

When Lord Rosewood is implicated in a crime, Reeve risks all to find the real culprit. Meanwhile, Lord Rosewood is hiding something that could change everything. Can the two overcome their issues and find their way to each other?

Wyldling Snare – A.R. Grimes

He’s determined to reconcile his duty with his dreams. But will a secret destiny ensnare him first?

Apprentice knight Enoch Northward isn’t ready to lead. But when he returns home to find his mentor dead and the heir-apparent missing, he knows he must rise to the challenge.

But the horrifying truth of his guardian’s death and disappearance of his friends leaves the grieving knight with no time to mourn. In search of answers, he ventures into the forbidden forest. There he discovers a portal leading to another world – and a girl who shares his faith and dreams.

The realm hangs in the balance as a mysterious enemy schemes to destroy it, but not all peril comes from the outside. Enoch himself harbors a secret that could destroy all he loves…

If you enjoy portal fantasy and adventure, then you’ll love Wyldling Snare, the first installment of the Wyldling Dream series – a coming of age story with underlying themes of faith, friendship, and found family.

Great News!

Book 5, Pack, is coming three weeks early! I know! Right! Okay, enough of that excitement. For those of you who’ve read the first four books, in book five, it’s summer break, and Bevin and José are getting married. Jade believes her only job is to take the summer off, and help with the plans. When a job lands in her lap, her alphas reluctantly agree it’s worth pursuing.

So, Pack is coming out on April 14th. That still leaves us with a couple of weeks. What should we do in that time? No worries, I’ve collected some amazing books that you can look at. Here are six books. Four are ya, just like the Jade Stone Chronicles. Two are a bit spicier, as I don’t know if some of you like a bit of romance in what you read. One is a new series just out. And the other is in Kindle Vella. I hope you enjoy!


Breaking Glass – Lisa Amowitz

On the night seventeen-year-old Jeremy Glass winds up in the hospital with a broken leg and a blood alcohol level well above the legal limit, his secret crush, Susannah, disappears. When he begins receiving messages from her from beyond the grave, he’s not sure whether they’re real or if he’s losing his grip on reality. Clue by clue, he gets closer to unraveling the mystery, and soon realizes he must discover the truth or become the next victim himself.

Dawn of a Demon – Christine Schulz

What’s a half shifter to do when a toxic, memory-warping drug starts frying the minds of the people I love? Sharpen my cat claws and unleash my spider fangs because it’s time to hunt down my prey.

After the brain melting drug known as Bliss claims the life of my friend, the mastermind responsible for this poison sets his sights on a new target: destroying my father and sabotaging everything he’s done to help the people in the city we call home. There’s not much that ruffles my fur, but now, it’s personal. Someone is going to pay with their life for dragging my friends and family into this mess.

Except my mission will come at a hefty cost, one that will have me tangled in a web of lies and haunted by unexpected betrayal. Why has this magic really infested my home and will I be able to protect my loved ones from being attacked? One wrong move may see me squashed under the enemy’s boot.

Wyldling Snare – A.R. Grimes

He’s determined to reconcile his duty with his dreams. But will a secret destiny ensnare him first?

Apprentice knight Enoch Northward returns home from a festival to find the Baron-Knight of the Northern Marches dead, the heir-apparent missing, and himself expected to rule in their stead.

While he grieves the loss of his beloved guardian, Enoch is determined to prove his ability to lead despite his incomplete training. But he struggles to follow in such large footsteps.

A search for missing people draws him into the forbidden Darkenwood Forest, where he discovers a path to another world… and a secret within himself that may destroy everything he loves.

Nomad – Lawrence Henry

Service In Honor

Thrust into unforgiving circumstances, one young man attempts to lead his friends safely through a warzone. Removed from the only home she’s ever known, a capable warrior fights to return and rescue her brother. Five elite members of the Nomad Initiative struggle to understand their role in a rapidly changing world. Even as they confront their own inner demons, can they survive the dangers that lie ahead and emerge victorious?

Pacific Pack – Harlowe Frost

**This is sapphic pnr. NOT YA.

Tamsin Hath, the rightful leader to her family’s werewolf pack, left them in the care of her older, more experienced beloved uncle. She now lives in Chicago and is at the mercy of the local pack. The death of her uncle in a dominance fight left her angry, but she understood. When her aunt was found dead, due to supposed natural causes, Tamsin suspects her pack’s new leader is at the bottom of it all. Unable to count on the police, with their lack of insight into the werewolf world, to whom can she turn?

Paige Glass spent her days monitoring the beaches of Santa Cruz and her nights reporting on crime. On the trail of information into a local murder, she finds herself in a world people only read about in books. One in which vicious beasts attack you for coming too close to the truth. Can she find an ally in this world of monsters and murders?

Neither Tamsin nor Paige was looking for love when they found each other. Theirs was a mission to solve the murder of Tamsin’s aunt. Will their forced proximity and conjoined efforts bring them more than the pleasure of solving the crime?

Nothing Romantic – Kennedy Hope

** This is a Kindle Vella story! Bi-Romantic with a trans MC!!

Arthur’s promotion at work causes a rift with his long-time girlfriend. After she betrays him, he relocates to Chicago, where he meets Jay: secure, handsome, and light-hearted. Arthur begins to wonder if there could be more to his budding friendship than just friends. But he’s straight…right? When Jay meets Arthur, he gains a gym buddy and someone to help him navigate interviews in the corporate world. Jay thinks he must ignore his growing attraction in order to preserve their friendship.

Time is a Traitor…

Back in 2019 I decided I wanted to try to write a book. I had no idea what I was getting into. I’m not sure anyone who decides to write does. Being a teacher, I spend most of my time in front of students, and not in front of a computer.

Taking words and stories from your imagination, to a published book that strangers (insert freak out here) can and will read, takes a lot more than I knew back all those years ago. If you want to know the steps, let me know, I’ve written some about the process, and am more than willing to share more.

But that isn’t what I want to talk about, what I want to discuss is the fourth book in the Jade Stone Chronicles, Traitor, it comes out this December, one year after Wolf healer came out. I’ve been meaning to tell you all about it, but time has been slipping by me like a kid sliding down a water slide!

I am very excited about this latest book…I hope you are as well. Jade and friends are in college, a new pack has been created, and they’ve moved to California! Only fun can happen from there! If you aren’t caught up on the first three books, see the links below. If you are, tell a friend!



Wolf Healer

Although she trips over her own feet during gym class, Jade’s confident her academics are spot on to become the next healer for her parents’ werewolf pack. But when her best friend invites her to spring break in Florida, everything she thought she knew shatters.

After returning to Wisconsin with carefully guarded secrets laid bare, Jade struggles to find acceptance. As the blows keep coming, she and her closest friends confront the packs intolerances.

Will she be able to hold the pieces of her shattering life together long enough to find a new path?


Over the summer, between sophomore and junior year, Jade and her werewolf pack family rescue Pebble, a five-year-old girl from the foster care system in Illinois. They worry, after her family was found dead by the side of the interstate, that they may have been attacked by a rogue werewolf. After bringing her home, small animals, and then people around town start to turn up dead.

Stolzburg has a rogue werewolf and the alphas have made it clear that Jade and friends need to stay safe. Just because Jade is avoiding the danger, doesn’t mean it’s avoiding her.


As Jade rebuilds her life after last autumn’s trauma, Sarah decides joining track is the perfect distraction. While Jade’s figuring out how to compete without giving away her wereanimal status, Bevin finds someone nice he can date.

When summer begins, Jade travels cross country with José, Owen, and Tanner to visit colleges. A run-in with rogue werewolves triggers new epsilon abilities and an unlikely alliance develops. The question becomes: can she save her new ally or will she end up dead?

A new day, a new release!

Hi all! Check out this new book by Christopher Russell, Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant. It comes out on September 14th, 2022, and is the much anticipated sequel to Russell’s Divinity Twilight: Rebirth. Rebirth came out in June of 2020 and already has 4.4 stars with 113 ratings.

The series is a mix of fantasy, magic, and steampunk. With strong characters and rich world building, it is a story everyone will enjoy. You should go out and, if you haven’t read the first, check out both in the series!

Once you read this (or these) book(s) and fall in love, you can follow Russell on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Don’t forget to drop a review, the best way to thank an indie author!

Divinity’s Twilight: Rebirth – Christopher Russell

Their legends are lies.

Long ago, one man tried to vanquish the seven races of Lozaria. To cleanse the world of life, claim the power of their vanished gods, and begin creation anew.

He failed . . . or so the story goes.

Centuries later, the magic of history’s greatest legend is reborn in Vallen Metellus, a military cadet with a dubious past. He rejects it. The feuds of the eastern empires, their air fleets forever locked in a deadly stalemate, have nothing to do with him. Vallen will not take up his predecessor’s mantle. He will not fight for peace.

He isn’t a hero, not with the sins tainting his soul.

But when an ancient seal breaks and an exile appears before Vallen, he’s drawn into a battle he never wanted—a battle that will dredge up the darkness he’s long suppressed.

The truth will be known, and it will doom them all.

Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant – by Christopher Russell

Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant is the much-anticipated sequel to the multi-award-winning epic fantasy novel, Divinity’s Twilight: Rebirth.Power is a curse.

As Vallen and his fellow cadets flee fallen Darmatia, he is forced to confront the ghosts of his past. The friend who perished that he might live. The girl whose smile haunts his nightmares. Now, a third voice joins them—something dark, something ancient. And the more Vallen uses his magic, the stronger it becomes.

Tools exist to be used.

The flames of Sylette’s vengeance are all but quenched. With each passing day, the dominion of the Sarconian Empire grows, and her treacherous father’s throat drifts further from her reach. Sylette’s last hope is a coded message, one that promises a growing resistance against the Empire. But even if she gains the means to avenge her mother’s murder, one question remains: how many ‘tools’ is she willing to sacrifice to see her vengeance through?

What color is love?

Renar has learned to hide a great many things: his emotions, his art, and one truly devastating family secret. But when he must face the man who’s controlled his life from the shadows, will he choose the family he’s always known, or the dysfunctional crew he’s been shackled with?

For every ending, a beginning.

Embers of conspiracy flare in Nemare and Sarconia. A resurrected Sarcon plots to reclaim his imprisoned flesh. As the winds of war swirl and forgotten myths rise, the choices these cadets make could save their country . . .
. . . or unleash something far, far worse.