That’s A Wrap!

Hi my friends! Today Pack Present went live. It answers some of the questions you may have had at the end of Battlefield. I hope it answers all the lingering questions, and answers some you didn’t even know you had! It’s a short Christmas Novella, but it packs a punch.

Some fun facts about the book:

  1. It has MORE than just Jade’s POV!! I know, this was fun for me as well. There are, I believe 3 points of view in the book. I’ll tell you Bevin is one of the other POVs, but I’m not going to tell you the last, it would be a bit of a spoiler.
  2. The pack has cats!! Right! If you look at the cover of the book, you can see the cat. There is a cat anthology coming out in 2024 and I submitted a short story about how the pack get kittens. Well, the short story takes place BETWEEN Battlefield and Pack Present, so now the kittens are cats.
  3. The cat’s name’s all come from the book: Wyldling Snare, by A.R. Grimes. I believe the book is either free or on sale right now. As is book 2, Wyldling Trials in the series. A fantastic series by the way.

Other fun facts. The next series, yes, I plan on writing Pebble’s story, but before that comes out, I have two books in a phoenix shifter series written: Veiled Phoenix. I’m actually collecting names for an ARC team. If you think you’d be interested, fill out the form. The main character is nonbinary. Writing a main character with they/them pronouns has been a trip.

I have a few TikTok videos. If you go and watch and comment, you could win free audiobooks version of Wolf Healer (and beyond!). They audiobooks are amazing. Here is one of the videos: TikTok Video!!

Happy Holidays!


Pixes and Ogres

I traveled to Sheboygan, Wisconsin with my friend, A.R. Grimes on Sunday for an author event. We taught a class on conceptualizing your book. But I get ahead of myself. 

The two of us strapped onto our griffins for an exciting ride across our state. We carried our books, and a hope to share our love of writing, creating, and publishing. 

When we landed, we realized before we stopped at the local book shop, we had to focus on our stomachs. We found a tavern, Sly’s Midtown Salooon, yes, I spelled that correctly, though your question was legit. 

A bevy of pixes quickly got to our needs, flitting around, serving the trolls and gnomes demanding breakfast and ale. We were informed the owner, an ogre, was around keeping all in line. It took a bit of time for the cook to switch over from breakfast to lunch, but when the food came, it was delightful. 

Michelle, our pixie server.

The Cook, and her pixie philosophy!

Once we fed the beasts that were our bellies, A.R. Grimes and I headed over to WordHaven BookHouse. The lead elf was out, under the weather, but she left a wonderful commander, able to watch the store as we held our class. We had five students in attendance as we discussed ways to plan out a book, resources, and our path to get works published. 

In the end, we slid on our magical rainbows back home, excited about the new friends we had made on our adventure in our own state.


A Day in the Life…

So much to do….


It is June and I have a flash fiction that will be up for a few more weeks. Check it out and let your creative juices flow!

Alphas comes out on July 21st! If you aren’t signed up to my website, do so to be entered to win a free copy of the third installment of the Jade Stone Chronicles. If you are already part of the page, leave a review for Wolf Healer and/or Epsilon for a chance to win the book. Comment to let me know you’ve left a review. You could be entered three times!

You all are the first to hear of this, but I am planning on adding a short story in Bevin’s point of view to the end of Alphas. I feel it will round out the book nicely.

The cover reveal is for Alphas is coming in July! Details coming soon!

Book four of the Jade Stone Chronicles, Traitor, will come out late November or early December. It is just in its infancy of clean up, editing, beta reading, and so on. My team is busy, so if it gets pushed off later, you’ll just have to wait to see what college brings to Jade.

Again, as we hit the middle of pride month, I hope you’ve taken up the challenge of reading books either by authors in the LGBTQ+ community and/or with LGBTQ+ characters. If you want something steamier than my books, here is a book that is both by an author in the community, with LGBTQ characters. It is a romance, but the scenes are fade to black.

Mail Order Bride Mix-Up by Parker Love

Mail Order Bride Mix-Up By Parker Love

In case I haven’t done this before, or you haven’t checked it out on my home page, here is my linktree. A list of links to find me!



Join my website!

Flash Fiction!

Hi Friends!

I have something new to share with you. On my website I’ve added a section for flash fiction and short stories. Some of my short stories are in newsletters and I will be moving them over to this new menu soon.

My first flash fiction I want to share with you can be found here:

I hope you enjoy it!

And, as a reminder, you can still find Wolf Healer and Epsilon on Amazon.

