That’s A Wrap!

Hi my friends! Today Pack Present went live. It answers some of the questions you may have had at the end of Battlefield. I hope it answers all the lingering questions, and answers some you didn’t even know you had! It’s a short Christmas Novella, but it packs a punch.

Some fun facts about the book:

  1. It has MORE than just Jade’s POV!! I know, this was fun for me as well. There are, I believe 3 points of view in the book. I’ll tell you Bevin is one of the other POVs, but I’m not going to tell you the last, it would be a bit of a spoiler.
  2. The pack has cats!! Right! If you look at the cover of the book, you can see the cat. There is a cat anthology coming out in 2024 and I submitted a short story about how the pack get kittens. Well, the short story takes place BETWEEN Battlefield and Pack Present, so now the kittens are cats.
  3. The cat’s name’s all come from the book: Wyldling Snare, by A.R. Grimes. I believe the book is either free or on sale right now. As is book 2, Wyldling Trials in the series. A fantastic series by the way.

Other fun facts. The next series, yes, I plan on writing Pebble’s story, but before that comes out, I have two books in a phoenix shifter series written: Veiled Phoenix. I’m actually collecting names for an ARC team. If you think you’d be interested, fill out the form. The main character is nonbinary. Writing a main character with they/them pronouns has been a trip.

I have a few TikTok videos. If you go and watch and comment, you could win free audiobooks version of Wolf Healer (and beyond!). They audiobooks are amazing. Here is one of the videos: TikTok Video!!

Happy Holidays!


A new day, a new release!

Hi all! Check out this new book by Christopher Russell, Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant. It comes out on September 14th, 2022, and is the much anticipated sequel to Russell’s Divinity Twilight: Rebirth. Rebirth came out in June of 2020 and already has 4.4 stars with 113 ratings.

The series is a mix of fantasy, magic, and steampunk. With strong characters and rich world building, it is a story everyone will enjoy. You should go out and, if you haven’t read the first, check out both in the series!

Once you read this (or these) book(s) and fall in love, you can follow Russell on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Don’t forget to drop a review, the best way to thank an indie author!

Divinity’s Twilight: Rebirth – Christopher Russell

Their legends are lies.

Long ago, one man tried to vanquish the seven races of Lozaria. To cleanse the world of life, claim the power of their vanished gods, and begin creation anew.

He failed . . . or so the story goes.

Centuries later, the magic of history’s greatest legend is reborn in Vallen Metellus, a military cadet with a dubious past. He rejects it. The feuds of the eastern empires, their air fleets forever locked in a deadly stalemate, have nothing to do with him. Vallen will not take up his predecessor’s mantle. He will not fight for peace.

He isn’t a hero, not with the sins tainting his soul.

But when an ancient seal breaks and an exile appears before Vallen, he’s drawn into a battle he never wanted—a battle that will dredge up the darkness he’s long suppressed.

The truth will be known, and it will doom them all.

Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant – by Christopher Russell

Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant is the much-anticipated sequel to the multi-award-winning epic fantasy novel, Divinity’s Twilight: Rebirth.Power is a curse.

As Vallen and his fellow cadets flee fallen Darmatia, he is forced to confront the ghosts of his past. The friend who perished that he might live. The girl whose smile haunts his nightmares. Now, a third voice joins them—something dark, something ancient. And the more Vallen uses his magic, the stronger it becomes.

Tools exist to be used.

The flames of Sylette’s vengeance are all but quenched. With each passing day, the dominion of the Sarconian Empire grows, and her treacherous father’s throat drifts further from her reach. Sylette’s last hope is a coded message, one that promises a growing resistance against the Empire. But even if she gains the means to avenge her mother’s murder, one question remains: how many ‘tools’ is she willing to sacrifice to see her vengeance through?

What color is love?

Renar has learned to hide a great many things: his emotions, his art, and one truly devastating family secret. But when he must face the man who’s controlled his life from the shadows, will he choose the family he’s always known, or the dysfunctional crew he’s been shackled with?

For every ending, a beginning.

Embers of conspiracy flare in Nemare and Sarconia. A resurrected Sarcon plots to reclaim his imprisoned flesh. As the winds of war swirl and forgotten myths rise, the choices these cadets make could save their country . . .
. . . or unleash something far, far worse.

So Many Good Books!

I love to bring you good books! Today I have so many!

Photo by Thought Catalog on

I am currently reading Blasted Research by Coffee Quills. I am almost half way through reading this gem of a book, and it is fantastic. Jules, our hero, lives in a dome in this post apocalyptical future. The premise of the story is excellent, but I also wanted to read this book because of the use of the neo-pronouns xe/xem, it intrigued me. In books 4 – 6 of Jade Stone I do introduce they/them characters, but his is so much more.

In the dome, everyone is required to marry and have kids. Jules doesn’t want to pair off. This is only one of the story arcs. Xe is also asked to travel out of the dome to help gather materials to test the radiation.

The story is fast paced, and the characters are fun. If you want to check out Coffee Quill, they have a website, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and so much more!

Another book I love just came out this month: Romancing Celia by Parker Love. It is the second book in this series. It is a sweet, sapphic, fade to black romance that takes place in the Wild West.

In this book, the characters take a path of discovery to learn who they are, and what they are willing to do to live the life they feel in their heart. In Ann’s case, she knows who she is and who she loves, but she also understands what happens if a community doesn’t approve. For Celia, it is a story of growth into the person she wants to be and learning who she loves.

The last book I want to feature is Wylding Snare by A. R. Grimes. I talked about this book before, but in case you missed that newsletter, it is a fun-filled high fantasy/portal fantasy that comes out in a few weeks! On September 10th, when it arrives to Amazon, I hope you’ll take a chance on it. The author, like me, spends a lot of time creating fun loving characters who you just can’t help but love.

As always, I, myself, have three books out in the Jade Stone Chronicles series. If you haven’t read them, I’d love for you to check them out. If you have read them, please drop a review, tell a friend, or share on social media! The fourth book, Traitor, comes out in December and is available to pre-order now. This year has been a whirlin of crazy… so exciting! I think you for your continued support.



Exciting News!

It is July, and it is a time for so much exciting news! A new author, Christina Wallace, has her debut book, The Light Keeper, coming out May 30th, 2023. Starry Ink Press is her amazing new publisher, Starry Ink Press. Her book is a middle grade/preteen fantasy, and she’s releasing her cover today! Like, right now! Isn’t it great! You can pre-order her book in some places already as well.

You can find Christina on Instagram. The details on her book are below.

Speaking of books coming out, A.R. Grimes’s first book, Wyldling Snare comes out on September 10th. You can find information on her book below, as well as her recently released cover. Her book is a YA Christian Portal High Fantasy. I’ve read this book, and it is amazing! Five stars. You can find A.R. Grimes on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and her own website. She puts out great advice on writing.

And then there is C.C. Davie. Her book, Heliacle Rising, was suppose to come out in September, but just came out this month. Unlike Christina and A.R. Grimes, C.C. Davie’s book has a bit of spice in her high fantasy book. You can find C.C. Davie on TikTok, Facebook, Goodreads, and Instagram.

Lastly, my book, Alphas, comes out on July 21st, that’s in less than a week! Gah, four books over the next year. I tell you, it is all so very very exciting!

I hope you are all as excited as me.


The Light Keeper –
Christina Wallace

Wishes aren’t all they’re cracked up to be… especially when you have to capture the Fairies who grant them to you.

Er… make that faeries… and not the normal, hiding-in-plain-sight magical kind.

When a misadventure cleaning out the attic leads Isaac to release a faerie trapped in a glass ball of light, he believes he’s struck gold–in the form of wishes. All he has to do is mention the name that was engraved on the ball, and the indebted faerie would grant him any three wishes he wanted.

The best part of all was knowing that there was an entire chest of captured faeries waiting to be freed…

But when strange things start to happen around town, Isaac begins to wonder if the increasingly unfortunate events are his doing.

Only his mysterious neighbor, Yara, knows the truth about his lineage as a Light Keeper.

Can Yara’s strength and wisdom guide Isaac into his new role?

Can Isaac make things right again?

Or will his dream-come-true turn into his worst nightmare?

Wyldling Snare –
A.R. Grimes

What if, at the tender age of sixteen, you suddenly found yourself responsible for the government of an entire realm? And what if your innate magical abilities as a wyldling surfaced at the same time? Welcome to the world of Enoch Northward, a young man whose secure and predictable life has just turned upside-down.

Enoch returns home from the Resurrection Festival to discover that his beloved guardian, the Baron-Knight of the Northern Marches, has passed away. The youth must now act as Baron-Knight under the strict tutelage of his dreaded mentor, Commander Storm. Lacking confidence in his ability to lead others, Enoch neither expected nor desired this heavy responsibility to fall upon his shoulders.

Hoping to prove himself as a leader, Enoch enters the forbidden Darkenwood Forest to search for people from his village who have gone missing. Instead, he discovers a secret Wall that connects him to Annabelle, a girl from Earth, with whom he’s been sharing dreams and seems like a sister. Grieving and desperate for a family, Enoch wants Annabelle in his life and is willing to take risks and break the rules to ensure this. However, time is running out. Enoch doesn’t realize it, but a young sorcerer’s scheme to ensnare Enoch for a dark purpose is close to fruition. Can Enoch bring Annabelle to his world, Tehara, before it’s too late?
For–all unknowing–Enoch has set into motion a shadowy adversary’s plans that will entangle the fates of three teens from very different worlds.

Heliacle Rising –
C.C. Davie

Taken in as ward of Lord Drakon after her parents’ slaughter.
Forced to navigate a new life, trying to become what is required of her
in a world so vastly different than what she had known.

Then Attica, Kingdom of the Wytchlings, moves to rise again.
Territories long alienated are forced to unite. Secrets begin to unravel.
Secrets that make her question everything.

She is Amylia Sylvers.
And she is about to show the world
that even the most unexpected …
can burn the brightest.

TikTok take 3

As I dive deeper into the TikTok world, I am learning more and more that… I know nothing, but it’s fun to pretend. I present to you my latest list of: how to be famous, when I am not… but maybe you can be!

  • At the start, you will need to interact with a lot of people to get them to interact with you.
Photo by cottonbro on
  • I know some account(s) follow very few people and have thousands of followers. I can only imagine they’ve spent hours interacting with the people they hope will follow them. Personally I like the community and follow accounts. They follow me. It’s a thing. At the end of the day, TikTok is a community, and interacting is how you get people to follow you.
    • But Huckle, you ask, how do you interact?
      1. Watch videos to the end, if you don’t, that hurts the person you are interacting with.
      2. Like their video.
      3. If someone likes your video, head over and watch one of two of their videos.
      4. If you don’t love the way they present their content, you could watch while doing chores… at the end of the day, we’re all just trying to figure this out.
      5. Comment, it can be an emoji, word, phrase, anything really.
      6. Copy the link to their video. Sharing is awesome, but copying is usually enough.
  • Did you know, you can like your own videos? You can be your own fan.
  • Make sure the people you are interacting with are the people who will be interested in your videos. I do videos about writing and books, so those are the accounts I interact with.
  • There are a lot of bots – and a lot of opinions about what to do with them. They can up your follow numbers. I’ve heard deleting them helps you to get more views from the people you want.
  • Once you reach 1000 followers, start going live…once a week? I did my first live with a friend and it was a hoot! So much fun!
  • When you create a video, speak in a relaxed voice, but remember, you aren’t talking to friends. Speak directly and don’t repeat yourself… in other words, speed up!
    • I watch friend’s videos and they babble on and on and I just can’t.
  • Make the word videos readable.
    • If I can’t read the words as they flash by, what’s the point?
  • If you make a page or flip video, add the title and author of the book!
  • People aren’t watching your videos sequentially, don’t assume they saw ‘the last one’, or ‘yesterday’, or any other of your videos.
  • Never be afraid to ask questions if you are confused. We’ve all been there. How do you add stickers? Where is the cover words? How many hashtags? What type of videos should I make? What’s the right number of videos to post a day? (Two… two a day…) Will TikTok be scary? Will it help me to sell books? Are people on TikTok nice? (Mostly, but some can be rude, you can block them)… So many questions. Just… ask. There are a lot of lovely people who will answer these questions and more.
  • In the end, have fun. TikTok is a place to enjoy yourself.



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