Let’s Make a Deal!

Hi my friends! It’s August, schools are starting up, and I want to do a back to school deal. I actually have TWO deals for you in this newsletter!

Okay, first of all, I have a new cover for Wolf Healer. I’ll reveal it… soon. Probably when the audiobook comes out. I’ve been listening to the chapters, and y’all, I’m SO excited! I can’t even tell you. It will be fantastic!

So, what’s my good news? With my new cover, I have a stash of paperback books with the old cover. Get a signed copy of Wolf Healer, with the OG cover mailed to you for $17. This offer is good to anyone who lives in the continental US. You can find the deal on the home page of my website. Here!

As always, you can order all of my books, signed, at any time… here.

But I did mention TWO great deals. Check out this amazing book, FREE right now! The Vessel Games, by E.J. Eden is free from the 16th of August through the 20th. The second book comes out on the 16th. The book is a cross between the Hunger Games and The Handmaid’s Tale. Interested? You should be!

I will warn you, the book DOES come with a few warnings…

Did you see me mention the audiobook? Are you as excited as I am? And the Christmas novella… the cover is ALMOST done. I’ll let you see both the new Wolf Healer cover and that cover in the next newsletter.

Photo by Sanket Mishra on Pexels.com

If any of you are near Sheboygan, Wisconsin, on Saturday, August 19th I’ll be doing an author event with another author at a most amazing bookstore: WordHaven Bookstore. If you are interested in learning about how to create a book series, click here!

Happy back to school!


Happy New Year!

What an amazing year it has been! Three new books have come out: Epsilon, Alphas, and Traitor. In 2023, I plan on releasing Pack and Battlefield, and then the series will be complete. With some convincing, I may give Pebble her own series, but it hasn’t been started yet.

During November, I wrote the first two books of a phoenix-shifter series. I am very excited about this new series as well.

I don’t know about you, but this last week of the year — the days before New Years — they always seem to be a blur. When I’m not writing, I teach, but now that it’s winter break the days have become a formless blob of unknown time. I know a lot of people like to read, and as it goes, a LOT of books go on sale. Since my books are all available on Kindle Unlimited, I can’t put them on sale very often. However, a website I adore, I love Sapphfic — features a bunch of books that ARE on sale from Dec 26 – Dec 30. Check them out!

You can find the books here!

As I have mentioned before, you can get great fantasy books here when you join the author’s newsletters! This deal is open until the end of the year.

Lastly, three books I think you’ll love!

Flash Flood – Melissa Gunn

Tammy’s a demigoddess with a water affinity. It’s just her luck that she lives in soggy England, and has developed a water allergy. On her way home she encounters a flash flood and a teenage werewolf, and everything changes – but for better or worse? 

Read for free when you join her newsletter!

Aspiring – Astrid V. J.

Silver winner of the 2019 Literary Classics International Book Award for Young Adult Fantasy

“A well written and utterly charming coming-of-age tale. With excellent world-building in a realm where magic, elves, and unicorns exist, we are introduced to perfectly flawed and highly relatable characters.”

About Aspiring

A coven of witches plots to overthrow a kingdom. One brave woman stands in their way.

At her mother’s death-bed, Elisabeth learns her mother’s illness is no accident and that her own life is in danger. Evil witches are plotting to take over the kingdom of Vendale. All alone, naive, and untrained, Elisabeth’s determination is all she has to confront her mother’s murderers as she discovers love at the same time. While Richard’s behaviour sends distracting mixed messages, Elisabeth finds herself stuck in limbo: she is treated like a child but is forced to make adult decisions. Meanwhile, the witches’ plot spins a fateful web around her.

Can Elisabeth succeed in the face of insurmountable odds?

The Reluctant Wizard – A.A. Warne

By day, wizards rule the world. At night, warlocks seek to destroy it. Now, one boy will challenge them both. 

Eli never wanted to be a rebel. All he wants is an end to the famine and war threatening his community. To save his mother and baby brother from marauding warlocks, Eli is forced to make a heartbreaking decision. He must travel to Terra Magicae, the mysterious land of the wizards, to study magic. In exchange, the wizards will protect his family, but this protection comes at a price: once Eli enters the Grand Wizardry Academy, he may never come home. 

Full of lush landscapes and magical marvels, Terra Magicae is more wondrous than Eli ever imagined… and more dangerous. At first, Eli’s struggles to fit in at the Academy seem ordinary. But the more he questions the wizards, the more he suspects a sinister purpose behind their bizarre rules and tests. For a dark secret lies at the heart of this mystical land, one so terrible it threatens not only the students at the Academy but the lives of everyone Eli loves. 

To save them all, Eli must step into the midst of the battle between the wizards and warlocks and defy both sides. He must become the rebel he was always meant to be.



Time to Read!

Did anyone else over eat this week? I know I did. Between the sugars and the sides, I’m ready for a nap and a good book.

Speaking of a book, it’s the end of the month and holiday season is here. Why not pick up some free reads? Check out the books in this link for free books!


Click on the link, find a book, join a newsletter for the free book. Share this link with anyone you think may be interested! This deal ends at the end of the month so jump on the deal today!

And don’t forget, less than a week for Traitor!



Did you say a sale?

I don’t often talk about being an indie author. If you want the real story, I’ll talk. Anyone who knows me knows this about me: I like to talk!

One thing I will share is this: as a teacher I can set deadlines, and students have to follow them. As an author, an indie author, I’m held to the timelines of the people around me. I ordered a cover, but I get my covers from a Ukrainian company, and they usually need a bit extra time. I know this, and am okay with it. Beta readers, editors, reviewers, they all take time; and I may want them to be done in a day, a week (or, lets be honest, instantly) but they are people with their own lives, and to get a good critique, they need to be given time.

What does this mean? Well, Traitor comes out the first of December. That is really soon! I have a cover, the manuscript has been sent to the formatter. It is all coming together.

But you said sale! I know, I did. I partnered with i heart sapphfic once again, and Epsilon and Alphas are on sale.

Over Thanksgiving weekend in the states, the 25th to the 29th of November, you can get these two books for half off. But as you can see, there are many other books for sale. Check them all out! Support authors during the holidays, and read some excellent books.



Holiday Reading

It is mid-November and we are at the start of many many holidays and maybe cold weather. Is there anything better to pass the time than reading? I have two great promos that will warm you to the soul!

The first, is all about YA Fantasy and Sci Fi Books. Don’t miss your chance to get these books, including Wolf Healer. I know many of you have Wolf Healer, but if you want to share this link for your friends, that would be amazing. For any of these book, you register with your email, and get the book for free.

The next promotion, is a list of many amazing Fantasy Books available On Kindle Unlimited. Now, if you don’t have Kindle Unlimited, each of these books can also be purchased in other ways, but they do have the option of Kindle Unlimited as well.

In the end, these two promos will give you a ton of fun and exciting reading opportunities!

Read on my friends, and share these links with other friends!



Fun Promotions!

November is going to be an interesting month. For those of you who are not writers, there is a national writing thing called nanowrimo, or NaNoWriMo, or national novel writing month. It is where writers challenge themselves to write 50k… that is 50,000 words, in the form of a novel, in the month of November.

It’s fun!


Photo by Uzunov Rostislav on Pexels.com

Anyway, I’m penning (well typing) a new book. The title? Veiled Phoenix. Totally new. If everything goes as planned, maybe it will be published next year after all of Jade Stone Chronicles is out. So far the book has 3000 words to it, so, not quite done. Wolf Healer is about 90k…

But that isn’t what I’m here to talk about. I’ve joined a couple of book promotions this month… maybe even a few! One of them is promoting books on Kindle Unlimited. Here is the link: LINK!!!! As you see, all three of my books are on there. If you all could share the link, that would be AMAZING!

I’ll tell you about the other promotion in a few weeks. Hope your November is starting off amazing!



A new day, a new release!

Hi all! Check out this new book by Christopher Russell, Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant. It comes out on September 14th, 2022, and is the much anticipated sequel to Russell’s Divinity Twilight: Rebirth. Rebirth came out in June of 2020 and already has 4.4 stars with 113 ratings.

The series is a mix of fantasy, magic, and steampunk. With strong characters and rich world building, it is a story everyone will enjoy. You should go out and, if you haven’t read the first, check out both in the series!

Once you read this (or these) book(s) and fall in love, you can follow Russell on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Don’t forget to drop a review, the best way to thank an indie author!

Divinity’s Twilight: Rebirth – Christopher Russell

Their legends are lies.

Long ago, one man tried to vanquish the seven races of Lozaria. To cleanse the world of life, claim the power of their vanished gods, and begin creation anew.

He failed . . . or so the story goes.

Centuries later, the magic of history’s greatest legend is reborn in Vallen Metellus, a military cadet with a dubious past. He rejects it. The feuds of the eastern empires, their air fleets forever locked in a deadly stalemate, have nothing to do with him. Vallen will not take up his predecessor’s mantle. He will not fight for peace.

He isn’t a hero, not with the sins tainting his soul.

But when an ancient seal breaks and an exile appears before Vallen, he’s drawn into a battle he never wanted—a battle that will dredge up the darkness he’s long suppressed.

The truth will be known, and it will doom them all.

Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant – by Christopher Russell

Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant is the much-anticipated sequel to the multi-award-winning epic fantasy novel, Divinity’s Twilight: Rebirth.Power is a curse.

As Vallen and his fellow cadets flee fallen Darmatia, he is forced to confront the ghosts of his past. The friend who perished that he might live. The girl whose smile haunts his nightmares. Now, a third voice joins them—something dark, something ancient. And the more Vallen uses his magic, the stronger it becomes.

Tools exist to be used.

The flames of Sylette’s vengeance are all but quenched. With each passing day, the dominion of the Sarconian Empire grows, and her treacherous father’s throat drifts further from her reach. Sylette’s last hope is a coded message, one that promises a growing resistance against the Empire. But even if she gains the means to avenge her mother’s murder, one question remains: how many ‘tools’ is she willing to sacrifice to see her vengeance through?

What color is love?

Renar has learned to hide a great many things: his emotions, his art, and one truly devastating family secret. But when he must face the man who’s controlled his life from the shadows, will he choose the family he’s always known, or the dysfunctional crew he’s been shackled with?

For every ending, a beginning.

Embers of conspiracy flare in Nemare and Sarconia. A resurrected Sarcon plots to reclaim his imprisoned flesh. As the winds of war swirl and forgotten myths rise, the choices these cadets make could save their country . . .
. . . or unleash something far, far worse.