Take me to Your BOOKevent!

Do you remember when you were young and the library was taken over were book for you to BEG your parents to buy for you? Row after row of all of the best books.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Pexels.com

Well, a group of authors are bringing that same idea to you this week! I know, it’s almost too exciting.

So, what are the rules. Follow this link. There are a bunch of TikTok authors. Find there post with the following image. All of the descriptions are the same, except each description has ONE word capitalized. Find all the capitalized words. You have until Wednesday to do this.

Then, there will be a live event on Friday. It’ll all be great. Prizes, books, and a fun way to spend the start of the cold season!

Again, here is the form you need to fill out to enter. I hope to see you all there!


Pixes and Ogres

I traveled to Sheboygan, Wisconsin with my friend, A.R. Grimes on Sunday for an author event. We taught a class on conceptualizing your book. But I get ahead of myself. 

The two of us strapped onto our griffins for an exciting ride across our state. We carried our books, and a hope to share our love of writing, creating, and publishing. 

When we landed, we realized before we stopped at the local book shop, we had to focus on our stomachs. We found a tavern, Sly’s Midtown Salooon, yes, I spelled that correctly, though your question was legit. 

A bevy of pixes quickly got to our needs, flitting around, serving the trolls and gnomes demanding breakfast and ale. We were informed the owner, an ogre, was around keeping all in line. It took a bit of time for the cook to switch over from breakfast to lunch, but when the food came, it was delightful. 

Michelle, our pixie server.

The Cook, and her pixie philosophy!

Once we fed the beasts that were our bellies, A.R. Grimes and I headed over to WordHaven BookHouse. The lead elf was out, under the weather, but she left a wonderful commander, able to watch the store as we held our class. We had five students in attendance as we discussed ways to plan out a book, resources, and our path to get works published. 

In the end, we slid on our magical rainbows back home, excited about the new friends we had made on our adventure in our own state.


A site worth seeing!

I love SapphFic is an amazing website. They promote books, the reading of books, authors of books, and the joining of the two in a fun celebration.

They have asked many of the authors they promote to bring to their readers the books that they love for free, and how could the authors refuse. They put together:

For three days, over seventy Sapphic ebooks will be available for free. These books range from YA, like mine, Wolf Healer, to books that bring spice. To join their celebration of books, just visit their Free Fall Event, and check out all they have to offer!

You can also find I heart Sapphic on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or just sign up for their author newsletter and never miss a thing!

